Apologies for my ignorance on this, I'm looking for some advice on best practice on GI set-up when animating a scene (3DSmax 2019 / Vray 3.6); it is around 1900 frames, and is currently set up as one continuous camera movement for convenience in setting up, although I do have the original cameras as individual ones all running from frame 0.If possible I'd like to keep it as the former. The camera runs through 7 different interior and exterior spaces, the scenes are distinct although a few have spaces in common. There is virtually no moving geometry other than one door, which is fairly small in-shot, but the sun does move to 3 different positions between the different scenes. I will comp in animated 3D people afterwards but these will just be rendered as an alpha channel in a separate scene.
My question is what is the best GI set up for this - Walkthrough?
I understand if 'use camera path' is probably not a good idea as the camera covers too much ground. Should I pre-compute light cache for all 7 scenes, or will the moving sun cause issues?
I was planning to use BF/LC, is this an outdated method? I need fairly short render times, but am planning on using the denoiser to clean things up a bit after. currently using 0.25 noise threshold I'm getting 10-20mins on bucket rendering.
I will be using a render farm for these, who are, apparently ok with pre-computed LC, but they have to be bucket rendered.
Thanks in advance for your help, I'll be screwing if I don't get decent results on this!
My question is what is the best GI set up for this - Walkthrough?
I understand if 'use camera path' is probably not a good idea as the camera covers too much ground. Should I pre-compute light cache for all 7 scenes, or will the moving sun cause issues?
I was planning to use BF/LC, is this an outdated method? I need fairly short render times, but am planning on using the denoiser to clean things up a bit after. currently using 0.25 noise threshold I'm getting 10-20mins on bucket rendering.
I will be using a render farm for these, who are, apparently ok with pre-computed LC, but they have to be bucket rendered.
Thanks in advance for your help, I'll be screwing if I don't get decent results on this!