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Will vrscene ever be in love with Xmesh?

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  • Will vrscene ever be in love with Xmesh?

    In a lot of VFX production facilities these days, Xmesh is a welcome tool for 3Ds and Maya users it has nice features and nice compression in it's native formats.

    Now I've made some tests with vrscene and I could quickly tell that Xmesh is not supported by vrscene in a way that the vrscene just "links" to the Xmesh files like it does with alembic or vrmesh. Instead it writes all the data as text into the vrscene files.
    I wonder if you ever plan to support this naively in the vrscene exporters? Now I know that it's not necessarily your (Chaos Groups) cup of tea, since it's software from a different company, but as far as I know
    it's currently the only mesh-caching tool that does proper compression on animated meshes since I've recently found out that Alembic does not do compression at all.
    I know that users could go and re-export animated meshes from Xmesh to vrmesh in order to have smaller vrscene files but it would create such a huge amount of redundancy.

    So I guess my question is, are you planning to support this naively in the future? I would imagine that it's not even that much work from a programming standpoint since it's "just" reading and interpreting data? I could be wrong though.

    Thank you
    Last edited by Fridayvfx; 10-04-2019, 04:21 PM. Reason: more thoughts

  • #2
    Bumping this up for reasons!


    • #3
      For the moment we have not planned native XMesh support, but it doesn't hurt to open a conversation with Thinkbox so we'll do that.

      I'm not sure how widely spread XMesh usage is though, in all our studio visits this spring, it has not come up once. Everything was about Alembic and USD.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

