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Remote DR Spawner Batch Launcher Options....

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  • Remote DR Spawner Batch Launcher Options....

    Hello VRay folks,
    This seems like a simple thing, but I am not sure of which approach is best for my setup. Currently I have a farm where a backburner Q on a single machine and having the rest of my machines work as Dr bucket nodes for that Q works best for me with my current work and flow. However, whenever an update is required or a new shared plugin is released, I have to manually shut down all the DR nodes in order to overwrite a shared plugin which is in use. Then go in and restart them all. I'd like to be able to do this with a script so I don't have to remote log into every machine.

    I have searched around for a simple way to do this remotely from my main workstation without having to remote to each station individually. A windows CMD solution (or similar) to force exit them all should work but I can't find a way. Then, I can replace plugin or other update and then run another CMD batch to simply relaunch them all. It'd saves tons of time.

    I have heard you can do this with Spawner as Service mode, but I haven't found how to control that remotely. Seems like a simple windows script could easily talk to all the machines, but I dunno where to find such data.

    Does anyone have any insight for a solution to this they're willing to share?

    Thanks in advance,
    -Joel E

  • #2
    you can setup a batch file to remotely:
    1) kill the spawner and/or bb server
    2) update the files you need
    3) restart the machines

    look into "net use" command in a command prompt

    for example, something like this:
    net use \\node1 /user:domain\adminuser adminpass
    ... will let you remotely in your LAN use a computer called node1, that is situated in your domain called domain, with the username adminuser and password adminpass

    you can use something like:
    shutdown /f /r /m \\node1 /t 00
    ... that will let you remotely in your LAN shutdown and restart node1

    on your local pc you can use something like:
    taskkill /f /im vrayspawner2019.exe
    ...which will kill the spawner that was started manually

    I'll let you figure out how to use taskkill in conjunction with net use for node1 or just using its own parameters

    you can stick xcopy into the mix with /Y parameter to update the files you want

    you can usually type a dos command followed by /? to get a list of parameters and examples
    Last edited by Morne; 10-05-2019, 04:26 PM.
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Hi Joel,

      We felt exactly the same. After a period of time the maintenance of the workstations and the nodes became almost a full time job. Therefore we implemented a remote deploy module into our render manager. In this way we can keep the whole office updated remotely. We will release the Pulze Render Manager in weeks so you will be able to try it for free. Every feedback is highly appreciated.
      You can find more news about the release on the Pulze FB page.
      Best, Attila


      • #4
        Thanks Morne, this is where i am headed, and seem to be onto it working. I can remotely kill and restart the VRay processes from a remote script now, though it took all day of configuring machines to get it to work. Not so easy, but interesting to learn and build out.

        Also, sounds nifty Attila, will keep an eye out for it.
        Last edited by joelly3d; 11-05-2019, 06:04 AM.
        -Joel E

