Try 30 subdivs for the glossy material, and 0.001 for noise th in the QMC rollout, global subs=1.
Don't be fooled by the global multiplier, here's how it works:
local subs=8
result: 8*8*15=960
result: 30*30*1=900
So 15 global is not really that much, and multiplying global with 2 is not the same as multiplying local subs with 2.
I always use local=30 and global=1, with 0.001 noise th and glossies are perfect. I'm on max 5 so I can't open your file...
Don't be fooled by the global multiplier, here's how it works:
local subs=8
result: 8*8*15=960
result: 30*30*1=900
So 15 global is not really that much, and multiplying global with 2 is not the same as multiplying local subs with 2.
I always use local=30 and global=1, with 0.001 noise th and glossies are perfect. I'm on max 5 so I can't open your file...