I've got 3,000+ preview frames to render every night with lighting and GI from 40 cameras. Is this the best approach for rendering a bunch of state sets? I wrote a pre-render script:
My intent is for the first farm machine(s) to only calculate the light cache and Irradiance map once and then subsequent frames reuse it for preview renders. I've set "use camera path" for both so it should be temporally stable. Is there anything wrong with this approach or am I reinventing a wheel that already exists and is more robust?
curcam = try((getActiveCamera()).name) catch() vr=renderers.current cachePath = @"\\server\cache\"+curcam if not doesfileexist (cachePath+".vrlmap") then ( vr.adv_irradmap_mode = 0 ) else ( vr.adv_irradmap_mode = 2 ) if not doesfileexist (cachePath+".vrmap") then ( vr.lightcache_mode = 0 ) else ( vr.lightcache_mode = 2 ) vr.lightcache_loadfilename = cachePath+".vrlmap" vr.lightcache_savefilename = cachePath+".vrlmap" vr.adv_irradmap_autoSaveFileName = cachePath+".vrmap" vr.adv_irradmap_loadFileName = cachePath+".vrmap" vr.adv_irradmap_saveFileName = cachePath+".vrmap"