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V-Ray standalone parameterOverride for materials.

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  • V-Ray standalone parameterOverride for materials.

    I'm sure I did it correctly in the past but I currently cannot get the parameterOverride to work for materials on a scene that I've exported from 3ds max.

    The return-help from vray states that parameterOverrides should be done like this:

    -parameterOverride="VRayMtl1@diffuse.color=Color(1. 0,0.2,1.0)"
    -parameterOverride="VRayMtl2@diffuse.color_tex=chec ker1"

    So Plugin overrides like Image sampler settings and stuff work fine this way, but as soon as I want to change material colors or light I cannot get it to work.

    For example, I have a Material in my scene that is declared like this in the vrscene file exported from 3ds :

    But when I use the convention stated in the help File I get this output:

    I also saw that in the vrscene file you guys define an internal numbering for materials inside the vrscene file (in this case mtl_brdf_0 - mtl_brdf_X) so I've tried this as well but it's not working.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for caring

  • #2
    As already stated in the -help description, the parameter override option should look like this: "<plugin-parameter-id>=<value>", where <plugin-parameter-id> - can be two formats - PluginType:: parameterName or pluginName.parameterName.

    In the .vrscene it is written like this (depending on the scene): BRDFVRayMtl Material__25@mtl_brdf_0, where BRDFVRayMtl is the type of plugin and Material__25@mtl_brdf_0 is the name of the plugin. Below that (i.e. diffuse=AColor(0.5019608, 0, 0, 1)) are the names of the parameters.

    That being said the override option should look like this: -parameterOverride="Material__25@mtl_brdf_0.diffuse =AColor(0,0,0,1)"
    Same thing for lights: -parameterOverride="VRayLight001@light_2.enabled=0"
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Ah! Got it! Thank you!

