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  • VrayPluginNodeTex


    For compatibility purposes, especially with Chaos Cloud, it's often preferable to use a PluginNodeTex. However, I can never really make it work. It doesn't help either that there's no preview.

    For example, I've had issues with the native 3ds Max Waves tex when rendering on the cloud. So for this current project, I thought maybe the equivalent PluginNodeTex (TexWaves) would be the solution. Matching the setttings 1:1, however, does not reproduce the same effect. In fact, the PluginNodeTex seems to have no effect at all.

    Is there some sort of scale or calculation factor that needs to be taken into account when using a PluginNodeTex? Furthermore, is there documentation somewhere that demystifies the various plugin textures to some extent? I can see that there is a lot potentially powerful tools in there, it's just that getting them to work has been a real chore - and actually no success, at least for me.

  • #2
    I am able to produce identical results when comparing the 'TexWaves' plugin node texture to the 3ds Max's Waves. Make sure the mapping coordinates (should be 3D in the TexWaves) and distribution values (in the TexWaves 0 is 3D; 1 is 2D) match as well. You can access details on the plugin nodes from plugins via the 'plgparams.exe' tool (located in the bin folder of the V-Ray installation folder structure). You can read more on how to use the tool in the technical documentation here:
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

