Hi, I was attempting to implement Zap's halftone OSL texture in vray using VrayOSLTex map. It fails to compile due to a a line that attempts to smoothstep give 2 floats and a color. The spec clearly allows for this:
and it obviously works in arnold. Is this not supported in Vray?
type smoothstep (type edge0, type edge1, type x)
Returns 0 if x ≤ edge0, and 1 if x ≥ edge1, and performs a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1. This is useful in cases where you would want a thresholding function with a smooth transition. The type may be any of of float, color, point, vector, or normal. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component.
Returns 0 if x ≤ edge0, and 1 if x ≥ edge1, and performs a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1. This is useful in cases where you would want a thresholding function with a smooth transition. The type may be any of of float, color, point, vector, or normal. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component.
// A simple Halftone shader // Halftone.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2018-06-28 // Copyright 2018 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader HalftoneDots [[ string help="Halftone Dots (by default i screen space)<br>" "Works well together with toon shaders.", string label = "Halftone Dots" ]] ( // Inputs vector UVW = transform("raster", P) [[ string help = "The input coordinate. If not connected, uses screen pixel space" ]], vector Scale = vector(8.0,8.0,8.0) [[ string help = "This size of the dots. In the default screen space mapping, this is in pixels." ]], float Angle = 45.0 [[ string help = "Angle of the Halftoning" ]], color InputValue = 0.25 [[ string help = "The input value defining the size of the dots to yield the right halftone density. " ]], int U_Input = 0 [[ string help = "If checked, adds the U coordinate as the input value. This works " "well when connected in a 'base_tonemap' input of an Arnold Toon shader.", string widget = "checkBox" ]], float Fuzz = 0.1 [[ float min = 0.0, float max = 2.0 ]], color BlackDots = 0.0 [[ string help = "The color of the dots" ]], color WhiteDots = 1.0 [[ string help = "The color of the space between the dots" ]], // Outputs output color Out = 0.0 ) { vector pos = rotate(UVW, radians(Angle), 0.0, vector(0.0,0.0,1.0)); pos = vector(pos[0] / Scale[0], pos[1] / Scale[1], 0.0); if (Scale[0] == 0.0) pos[0] = 0.5; if (Scale[1] == 0.0) pos[1] = 0.5; color inputV = InputValue; if (U_Input) inputV += u; pos = pos - floor(pos); float dist = 1.0 - (distance(vector(0.5,0.5,0.0), pos) / (sqrt(2.0) / 2.5)); color factor = smoothstep(-Fuzz, 0.0, inputV - sqrt(max(0,dist))); Out = mix(BlackDots, WhiteDots, factor); }