I`m designing and modelling this monster.
It`s a high-rise housing scheme.
As you see it`s quite an animal
it has an outer solid skin with windows and internal "soft belly" made of double glazed facade.
How do you usually approach the modelling of such a buildings?
What techniques you suggest to use? It needs to be quick, efficient and flexible for future changes.
I usually do it with meshes, sometimes editable polys. But I`m not sure if it will be ok to use meshes on such a soft masses. Might be a horror.
I work in max5 / vray.
I`m designing and modelling this monster.
It`s a high-rise housing scheme.
As you see it`s quite an animal

How do you usually approach the modelling of such a buildings?
What techniques you suggest to use? It needs to be quick, efficient and flexible for future changes.
I usually do it with meshes, sometimes editable polys. But I`m not sure if it will be ok to use meshes on such a soft masses. Might be a horror.
I work in max5 / vray.
