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Blotchy areas when using Displacement

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  • Blotchy areas when using Displacement

    Hi Guys,

    Yup - my first newbish question So far things are going fairly smoothly learning this new fangled VRay renderer, but there are a few problems that I was hoping you folks could help me out with.

    My first problem is that I am getting alot of blotching and artifacts when I use displacement mapping in my scene. For this render I used Irradiance Map / Lightmap. I tried using the "high quality" preset and the problem becomes more pronounced. After reading through the manual, it looked like it was the sort of thing that increasing the subdivision and "interpolation samples" might correct the problem, but even with very high values such as 16 subdivision / 30 interpolation the problem still exists, albeit much less pronounced. The downside of doing this though is that the rest of the shadows in the scene become blurred.

    Just wondering how you guys would go about handling this. I also tried changing the light cache Subdivisions and sample size but these don't seem to make much of a difference at all.

    Thanks in advance for any info - I think once I get this renderer all figured out I am REAALLY going to like it.

    Here's a link to a render of the scene in question.. You can see the blotchy portions on my displacement mapped siding.

  • #2
    As you have guessed, it is a sampling issue. You don't have enough sampling in the shaded areas to resolve the detail correctly. I'm a bit new to VRay, so I may be off here, but I think it could be from your light source. Are you using skylight in this scene? If so, you may want to try upping the sampling/subdivisions for the skylight.

    Jeremy Eccles
    Senior 3D Visualization Specialist

    The HNTB Companies
    715 Kirk Drive
    Kansas City, Missouri 64105


    • #3
      I am just using the "environment override" setting with a whitish blue color at a strength of .75 . So when you say that I should increase the sampling, does this mean I should increase the subdivision values for my irradiance map to higher than the 16 it is currently set at? The default value is 8 I think.

      Thanks for your reply.

