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  • #16
    I think that you need forest that's all
    I really thing that is your solution. you don't walk in the tribune so forest will be the best.


    • #17
      ...walk in the tribune...

      Again, though. Even if I had forest, I'd need a bunch of different seated people dressed for a ball game.
      J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


      • #18
        I agree but with your color mapping I don't think that you have more success with it.
        I think that with real seated people map or only top body people you will fake it.


        • #19
          if you have map you have a real complexity of color not like your "color mapping"


          • #20
            couldnt you instance a row of people with alternating colour shirts, then use another instance for the next row down, the same but with the people swapped around. Maybee with about 4 instanced rows you could alternate through them. You MAY loose a bit of rendering time...but how do you know untill you try?

            BTW: the size of those meshes currently is probably much smaller than would actually make a difference with instancing anyway, so i think you could get away with instanced rows.

            Also, I think you should mix up the geometry of the people slightly because at the moment, even with varied colour, you can tell the people are identicle geometry. For example, have a guy in a tanktop, a woman with long hair, old grey haired person etc etc. Just ideas....I've never done this myself though


            Another note: the lowpoly3D people libraries are excellent because each person has a seated and standing/walking version. I've bought the casual and buisnesspeople libraries and I think you may have about 20 odd people types to choose from between those two sets. Id have about 4 rows of about 10 people in different combinations saved as instances. I'm curious if an entire crowd of people can be done like this in resonable timeframes....but im gessing its possible. It WILL look infinatly better than what you are trying. Also, you could render the people an another layer using scanline if you have memory problems as the lowpoly people still look good without GI (I actually have to lower the brightness of the texture maps to get them looking correct in vray). I think this solution is better than RPC anyway


            • #21
              I agree with your comments about changing up the geometry of the people, but now we're talking about some real time.

              I can tolerate a bit of render time increase. It's not terribly likely that this job will need to be animated, but I like to stay flexible just in case.

              I'm kind of surprised there isn't some sort of applicable library out there. If there is one, I haven't found it. I even set out to throw a bunch of people (waist-up) into a row in PS to test. But in all the people I have, it's amazing how few are straight on and holding still enough to be believable as seated ballgame attendees.

              Still searching....
              J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



              • #22
                Anyone out there have a suitable library of 3D, RPC or bitmap that they'd be interested populating a scene for me? If so, email me with a price.
                J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                • #23
                  Why don't you try particle flow to put different maps on your people, with it you can easily randomize the people and position them.
                  You can make 30 different people and distribute them

                  Anyone out there have a suitable library of 3D, RPC or bitmap that they'd be interested populating a scene for me
                  You think that you need how many people? (I have lot of people rpc and others)


                  • #24
                    Because I have VIZ - not MAX.
                    J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                    • #25
                      Heya, we went through the same problem before with a ballpark, and are currently going through the same with a football stadium...

                      I dont have any of my closeups handy at the moment but heres an overall.. LINK

                      Its set up with a forest pro planes people, there are outlines of each section, and the 'people' fill the section. i think it was something like 45 different opacity mapped plane-people images.

                      Worked great looking across the bowl at people, but ones in the immediate foreground are facing you if you're looking out

                      3d people would probably work better nowadays, but this was done a couple years ago, and already pushed the bounds of what we could add into a single scene.
                      Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

