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Do Not Install 7.5

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  • Do Not Install 7.5

    (copied from the discreet support forum)

    The supposed update to 7.5 has quite a few bugs which I have experienced. Under no circumstances be tempted to install it if you work in a busy office. I have wasted many hours.

    1) XREFs and network rendering - if you rely on XREFed scenes and network renders, there are SERIOUS bugs with 7.5. We are having to uninstall 7.5 from all of our machines because the XREF scenes do not come in at the correct scale. I see no acknowledgement of this anywhere. I have just been informed by a Autodesk representative that I should report a bug, but I don't actually know how to go about this.

    2) The real-world map scaling does not work properly. It works to 1000mm x 1000mm, but no bigger. If your maps are bigger than this (example a large bitmap of a brick wall, say 5000mm x 5000mm) this *feature* does not work. If you are in Metres, a box 10m x 10m x 10m will be OK, but try with 10000m x 10000m x 10000m and it will not work.

    3) Netwrok rendering and large render sizes does not work. Renders work fine locally using bitmap pager, but sending large renders (ours are 16000 x 5344 pixels) to backburner causes a 'error creating bitmap' error. This worked fine with version 7 SP1. Possible workaround would be to render strips, but I don't trust this with GI and Vray.

    All in all, a pretty poor show from Autodesk/Discreet. Get your act together - we pay a lot of money for this software!
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    Hi Tricky

    Thanks for your infos about this.

    One thing,

    to render Gi with stripes on Vray works pretty well, we usualy do this with prerendered lightcache on a networkdrive, what i dont know if this still works with such big immages. but you should give it a try i think.



    • #3
      Yeah very poor show !! .. hopefully they will address this very soon.


      • #4
        i have had 'units.ccp' trouble with max 7.5 installed. we have just downgraded the workstations and farm back to 7 and everything is working fine.
        stay away from it!
        i also had xref problems, they disapeared randomly from net renders
        Freelance TD/Generalist


        • #5
          i think most problems come from the VIZ extension.
          i uninstalled only that part and all problems where gone.

          unfortunately thats the part with the most new features.

          hair/fur works fine.
          Reflect, repent and reboot.
          Order shall return.


          • #6
            Yes, the VIZ extension is the problem one, Hair and Fur are ok.
            Best Regards,


            • #7
              All in all, a pretty poor show from Autodesk/Discreet. Get your act together - we pay a lot of money for this software!
              'mmm, should have opened it in Notepad'


              • #8
                7.5 hotfix is available today.

                someone here brave enough to try it?
                Reflect, repent and reboot.
                Order shall return.


                • #9
                  if its the 'cebas' type fix, it won't do anything. I tried it and nothing seemed to be fixed at all - I think its only if you use Cebas.dlu
                  Kind Regards,
                  Richard Birket



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tricky
                    if its the 'cebas' type fix, it won't do anything. I tried it and nothing seemed to be fixed at all - I think its only if you use Cebas.dlu
                    Really? that's disappointing...
                    Eric Boer


                    • #11
                      no kidding. Im not in a hurry to install 7.5 and by the looks of it, wont be installing it until 8
                      Dmitry Vinnik
                      Silhouette Images Inc.


                      • #12
                        It is annoying - there are a couple of nice features that we could relly put to good use here - namely Real World map scaling and the sweep tool. A pity.
                        Kind Regards,
                        Richard Birket



                        • #13
                          Yep, had big plans for those two... too
                          Eric Boer


                          • #14
                            funny, I have a feeling that these bugs will some how live thru to max 8. Whats pissing me off is that discreet is not concentrated on releasing a solid product which would be stable as a rock, have great performance etc, and then build new stuff into it like hair/mr/cloth and whatever.
                            I remember days when AliasWavefront would release products which where pretty stable. Now its same thing with them....I think competition is whats making them wip up stuff fast, and fast = not good
                            Dmitry Vinnik
                            Silhouette Images Inc.


                            • #15
                              X ref issues

                              I don't usually use Xref scene and have just started - my luck using 7.5. I am having all sort of crazy issues. Not with scale but with the scene just no showing up in the net renders. It renders fine locally but when I net render it just doesn't appear. Those problems are with Deadline when I render with backburner 3ds goes crazy and crashes giving me Runtime errors. Now the big problem is they where built in 7.5 so how to I retrograde if I go back to 7 ?
                              I could strangle somebody, man how can they release this sh***t - they should spend there time developing decent software and not changing the name every five minutes.

