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stones pebbles displacement?

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  • stones pebbles displacement?

    I need to model stones that will fill-in around columns of a canopy. They are like river stones but should be somewhat round around 1" - 2" diameter and would be quite white. It's not A-gravel or anything but more of a feature river stone kind of thing. I have a decent map and map a mono-bump map but just haven't had any luck with getting what I need. I can get a decent bump but need more round stone kind of look.

    I saw a tutorial a long time back. I'm not even really sure where but it was exactly what I needed. If anyone has any suggestions or knows of that tutorial, with such a weak explanation, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Regards Peter.

  • #2
    I would try painting over your bump map, fill in the stone areas with a gradient brush.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      maybe a particle system? arnt particles instance geometry?

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        I'm trying to modify my bump map currently but it's not working out too well. Very jagged. I will try the gradient brush. Do you know of any tutorials on the subject. I saw one about a year ago that was exactly what I needed. Man I wish I would have filed it properly.

        I'm not sure how to use a partical system? Although I would imagine that is a Max feature, correct? I have VIZ 2005. Thanks for the suggestions I appreciate it. If anyone else has any good ideas on how to model small rocks / pebbles please let me know. I don't want to have to start modeling individual rocks but that may be an option. So if anyone has a tutorial or info. on that please pass it on.

        Thanks again.

        Regards Peter.


        • #5
          I get nice displacement maps by using the select by color (or manualy select) then shrink or grow selection and feather to get a good gradient variation.

          here's an example of the finished displace map that gives a nice round effect on the stones:


          • #6
            Displace a cellular map.
            Adjust the spread of the cells for more space between the stones.


            • #7
              R2J2 - Thanks I'll give that a try. Do you know of a good site to get some stone maps?

              meanadam - don't know what a cellular map is? Care to enlighten me? Thanks for the response.

              Regards Peter.


              • #8
                A cellular map is one of the standard Max procedural map types. Just click on the appropriate map slot and select cellular instead of bitmap.


                • #9
                  Thanks pixeljockey - I'll give that a try!

                  Regrads Peter.

