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JPEG - memory error in network rendering

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  • JPEG - memory error in network rendering

    hey All,

    I'm not sure where to post this so I'll do it here.

    I've been experiencing a nagging error in network seems to happen from a specific file I have that I'm doing an interior animation of. The file has lots of maps and a fair amount of geomatry that was natevily built in max.

    so the issue is, when I send out the rendering job to the network, all the machines, besides mine and another one which work fine,

    give me (the job/network monitior) and error that says : JPEG - "Memory Error"....but the strange thing is that, the rendering actually gets done and the frame is saved and looks finished!.....yet somehow the server on those machines give out an error to the net monitor, which show the error above. Then the server on those machines is restarted and the monitor reassigns the same frame, even though that was completed and saved. But because the above error, the monitor things something when wrong and it reassigns the frame, restaring the server.

    The error pops up even if I try to save any other type of frame file...tga/bmp/tiff ....not just w/ jpegs.

    Also, my machine and the one that works have the exact same configuration as the other ones on the farm, that give that I can't understand what is going on

    I'd appreciate any help of you've heard or experienced a similar error and know how to fix it.

    BTW we use:

    max 7.5
    vray 1.47.03
    Win XP sp 2

    and the machine vary on the farm in terms of speed/ram....usually between 1 and 2 gig of mem.



  • #2
    Sounds more like a network or windows problem.

    You have enough space on the drive you save the JPG to?
    Enough free space on the cpu with the network manager?

    More than 10 machines connected to 1 manager (without a windows server edition)?


    • #3
      We had the very same problem once. We couldn't figure it out. We rendered the specific scene locally.

      So if you find out, let us know
      visit my developer blog


      • #4
        JPEG - Memory Error???

        Anyone have any luck fixing this error??? I'm running into the same problem on our computers that have 2GB Ram, but runs OK on the machines with 3GB Ram. Sounds like a memory issue but why the hell is it able to render the frame??


        • #5
          hey Paul,
          What kind of server are the files being stored on?

          We have a similar problem and its a real pain in the ass.
          Chris Jackson


          • #6

            I have a problem like that... and is a problem with my "depot" disk..
            Nicolau Pais

            My current hardware setup: HP Z820 32-Core Dual E5-2670 128GB RAM - NVIDIA® RTX 3060


            • #7
              "depot" disk? whats that?
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                i know the error too and render with skip existing frames

                fortunally that issue dosnt appear anymore since 9 moth
                the only "new" thing i remember was updating my quicktime around that time
                maybe i am just in luck?
                - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
                RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
                just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jacksc02
                  "depot" disk? whats that?
                  LOL.. the disk where i put the renderfarm files output...
                  Nicolau Pais

                  My current hardware setup: HP Z820 32-Core Dual E5-2670 128GB RAM - NVIDIA® RTX 3060

