When using VFB OCIO environment variables [VRAY_VFB_OCIO、OCIO、VRAY_VFB_OCIO_INPUT_COLORSPACE、 VRAY_VFB_OCIO_DISPLAY_DEVICE、VRAY_VFB_OCIO_VIEW_TR ANSFORM], if you change Input Colorspace, Device, Veiw Transform in VFB and save the max file, and then open the max file again, the OCIO settings will be overwritten by the environment variable values.
Even if the OCIO environment variable is used, the Input Colorspace,Device,Veiw Transform settings are read from the .max file when the OCIO file path is manually set in VFB. (Desired behavior)
Perhaps if the OCIO file path is empty VFB is reading the Input Colorspace,Device,Veiw Transform settings from the OCIO environment variables.
Is it possible to change this so that the Input Colorspace, Device, and Veiw Transform parameters are read from the .max file, even if OCIO environment variables are used?
Chaos should implement the VRAY_VFB_OCIO_FILE environment variable.
It sets the path to the VFB OCIO File.
Even if the OCIO environment variable is used, the Input Colorspace,Device,Veiw Transform settings are read from the .max file when the OCIO file path is manually set in VFB. (Desired behavior)
Perhaps if the OCIO file path is empty VFB is reading the Input Colorspace,Device,Veiw Transform settings from the OCIO environment variables.
Is it possible to change this so that the Input Colorspace, Device, and Veiw Transform parameters are read from the .max file, even if OCIO environment variables are used?
Chaos should implement the VRAY_VFB_OCIO_FILE environment variable.
It sets the path to the VFB OCIO File.