my goal was to see if i could create an LPE such that, i could change the color of a wall or box in post. the idea is that i could render out all the light for a wall - the wall itself and then the bounced light off the wall that affects nearby objects etc... then in post i could simply add an HSL adjustment layer. everything else would be black.
using a box in a simple room with simple lights and colors on the walls floor etc... i think i have figured out 2 good LPE's
in coming up with the 2nd LPE, it's very similar to the first in fact it's identical except for the . after the CR why is that?
my other question is: can i combine the 2 LPEs?
using a box in a simple room with simple lights and colors on the walls floor etc... i think i have figured out 2 good LPE's
CR.'box'.*L <---- appears to give me all the light reflected off the box (bounced light)
CR'box'.*L <---- appears to give me the box itself.
my other question is: can i combine the 2 LPEs?