Originally posted by Dart_Design
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Again, converters job is to convert. It must be smart and intelligent. Of course, it can not 100% be identical, but simply cut out all what is behind unsupported nodes is not a good solution. You can skip unsupported maps, but it is necessary to keep all the main nodes behind them
Currently, the converter has the same problematics as TX conversion.
The goal of conversion is to save the time. When converter destroy the shaders and delete a lot of stuff without any warning messages, then it is simply no reason to use it.
The listener will print out a wholesome set of info, one just needs to bother going through it.
You are right, however: expecting the converter to convert just anything is not reasonable.
Let's look even at latest official converter webpage:
What we have here ?
- it has completely chaotic order and look not like in 3ds max. Why ?
What we have here ?
- it has completely chaotic order and look not like in 3ds max. Why ?
We'll reorder it alphabetically, if it's easier for you to read.
- some materials and a lot of nodes description are simply missing. Why ?
- there is no information about coronaLegacy material. Not all users know that it is pervious CoronaMaterial.
- unsupported, but listed nodes are converted as vray color. First question of all users is why and what is happening with child nodes? Threre is zero information about it.
02. There is zero information about current bugs and limitations. You expect that it will work fine, but it is not.
The only suggestion is to be sensible, and stick to minimum common denominator setup, if conversion is of paramount importance.
03. Does vray converter have any version number? how can we know that it got updated?
The newer the V-Ray version, the newer the converter.
Minor caveat: some feature may be back-ported to previous V-Ray version.
Sorry, but right now it looks as a technical table of facts without any descriptions, counterintuitive and user unfriendly.
A dictionary hardly provides for entertainment, after all.
I hope you can understand my comments and critics, and please don't take it personally.
We just want to have a better products and workflows.
Best regards.