I'm looking for something that works like multisubtex for randomisation but at a shader level. The situation is I have a multisubmaterial on a load of different objects. For one of the sunmaterials I want to randomise it in to different materials.
Is there something I can plug in to VraySwitchMtl that will pick up the individual scene IDs of instanced geomety (some of which are proxies)
I could probably write some kind of script to do it with user info if I knew how, however I will need to be using those for another map selection that needs to be precise. The selection of this particular set of materials I would like to be random.
Ideally this would be done at a shader level, rather than a map level as it'll make the process easier to manage, rather than matching up maps across a range of slots.
Is there something I can plug in to VraySwitchMtl that will pick up the individual scene IDs of instanced geomety (some of which are proxies)
I could probably write some kind of script to do it with user info if I knew how, however I will need to be using those for another map selection that needs to be precise. The selection of this particular set of materials I would like to be random.
Ideally this would be done at a shader level, rather than a map level as it'll make the process easier to manage, rather than matching up maps across a range of slots.