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Render settings

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  • Render settings

    Hi, I'm rendering a sequence of a camera panning across a still image with mediocre results. I'm getting a lot of noise (the image has a lot of vertical and horizontal lines). My currrent and best settings are to use Adaptive QMC with min/max subdivisions of 2 and 4. QMC sampler setting are at .85 Adaptive, Noise threshold at .005, Min samples at 8, Global sub multiplier at 1 and Time independent off. Can someone reccomend where to go from here in terms of the best quality settings, rendering times in this case are not really an issue, but high quality is. Thanks, Harold

  • #2
    could you post a shot of the noise? Is it noise in the shadows, or noise on materials? (as in reflection/refraction glossiness less than 1.0)

    Without seeing what you have, you could lower the noise thresh hold to .003 or .002, and raise the global multiplier a bit. If you are using blurred reflections or refractions, I would increase the subdivs under the glossiness parameter in the material editor.

    If render times aren't of any consern, a real quick/simple way to increase the quality would be to just crank up the global subdiv multiplier. But that would probalby increase the render times needlessly, there are other ways to tweak.

    Are you using any GI? - - -


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. My post was not as complete as I thought. The "noise" I'm getting is texture jitter, especially in all of the horizontal and vertical lines. This is an exceptionally simple scene, no shadows, no GI, no reflections or glossiness, just simple illuminated planes. A static plane with a camera panning across it with moving planes (vertically) in the "windows" of the static plane. When the camera pans across the static plane the vertical lines and to some degree the horizontal lines just go crazy. So once again, I need some direction towards the maximum antialiasing setting to clean this up. Thanks. Harold


      • #4
        can you post an image of this "noise"

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
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        • #5
          The individual frames look perfect, so posting a still would be of no use. It's when the animation is played back that the textures starts jumping around. Harold


          • #6
            does it still happen if you add more frames to your pan?



            • #7
              couple things that could help..

              In the bitmap set filtering to None..

              In your AA settings in vray, turn down the threshold in your adaptive sampler, or if rendertime isn't too bad, simply use a fixed rate sampler at 3 or 4..
              Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


              • #8
                Originally posted by hkalmus
                The individual frames look perfect, so posting a still would be of no use. It's when the animation is played back that the textures starts jumping around. Harold
                this doesnt sound like a vray problem then if the stills from the animation look fine. sounds more like a video compression problem to me. or maybe its something to do with field order or something like that.

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.

