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Batch rendering

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  • Batch rendering

    Is there a way to batch render files in Max 7.5 = Vray that use DR? I just tried and it just seems to error... any thoughts?


  • #2
    you can do it with a script..
    --Some cut/pasted stuff.. ;)
    -- Path to save to
    exportPath = "///aei/Projects/IDD/images/"
    -- file type
    renderFileType = ".jpg"
    renderWidth = 800
    renderHeight = 600
    renderCamera = $Camera01
    -- open a frame buffer for each render (It stays on screen for some reason...)
    enableVfb = true
    --seperate so you can adjust the filename in a case statement or a for loop.. whatever
    RenderFile = (exportPath + "/" + (renderCamera as string) + renderFileType)
    render camera:renderCamera outputwidth:renderWidth outputheight:renderHeight outputfile:RenderFile vfb:enableVfb
    all thats in the maxscript help a lot more detailed..

    you could simply repeat the last couple lines (and possibly the camera line) for each one you want rendererd.

    Theres no cancel button, so do a test run at like, 320x240 first
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • #3
      Brilliant! Thanks I will give that a go


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ramsay
        Brilliant! Thanks I will give that a go
        There is a great lil script for batching max files called - creatively - "batcher" by Steev Kelly.

        You can do a search on ScriptSpot for "batcher" and it's the one at the top... My favorite feature of batcher is that it allows you to specify an input / output directory and then you can either select a maxscript to run on each max file or you can just type in a few lines of text into its interface and it will run those commands on all the files selected. Works really well and has gotten me out of a jam a couple times.

        Here's a screenshot

        You can find more info about the script at or
        Christopher Grant
        Director of Visualization, HMC Architects


        • #5
          Neat.. sometimes its difficult to find things in there since theres just soooo many scripts

          another way, which is similar, but not quite (ie: the full script)

          -- Path to save to
          exportPath = "//aei/Projects/FCCC IDD/images/"
          -- file type
          renderFileType = ".jpg"
          renderWidth = 960
          renderHeight = 640
          renderCamera = $Camera01
          -- open a frame buffer for each render (It stays on screen for some reason...)
          enableVfb = true
          fn SetScheme scheme RendScheme:false =
          	phaseOne = #($'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1', $'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1 floors', $'phase 1 floors')
          	phaseTwo = phaseOne + #($'phase 2 floors06', $'phase 2', $'phase 2 floors00', $'phase 2 floors01', $'phase 2 floors02', $'phase 2 floors03', $'phase 2 floors04', $'phase 2 floors05', $'phase 2 floors07', $'phase 2 floors08', $'phase 2 floors09', $'phase 2 floors10')
          	mat = sceneMaterials["RoadLayout"]	
          	show $'Forest01'
          	case scheme of
          		0: (	
          --for each different 'scheme' i set a different layout for my forest pro 
          --trees, change the ground map layout of roads and hide/unhide various 
          --building sets.. nothing complicated, but something that can easily get 
          --messy when you need to repeat it in a few weeks for changes eh?
          				$Forest01.splineinc = $treeline_existing
          				mat.diffusemap.filename = "\\\\aei\\Projects\\FCCC IDD\\textures\\Roads_existing.jpg"
          				hide phaseFive
          				unhide $building_driving_range
          		1: (
          				$Forest01.splineinc = $treeline_phase1
          				mat.diffusemap.filename = "\\\\aei\\Projects\\FCCC IDD\\textures\\Roads_1.jpg"
          				hide phaseFive
          				unhide phaseOne
          				unhide $building_driving_range
          		2: (
          				$Forest01.splineinc = $treeline_phase2
          				mat.diffusemap.filename = "\\\\aei\\Projects\\FCCC IDD\\textures\\Roads_2.jpg"
          				hide phaseFive
          				unhide phaseTwo
          				unhide $building_driving_range
          	if (RendScheme == true) do
          		RenderFile = (exportPath + "/Phase" + (scheme as string) + renderFileType)
          		render camera:renderCamera outputwidth:renderWidth outputheight:renderHeight outputfile:RenderFile vfb:enableVfb
          SetScheme 0 RendScheme:true
          SetScheme 1 RendScheme:true
          SetScheme 2 RendScheme:true
          --extent it for about 6 other schemes for the siteplan and you can start to see why setting them all up seperately can get annoying.
          Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


          • #6
            Dave - you're the craziest man alive.
            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #7
              i'm addicted
              Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

