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Anyone used ArtVPS

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  • Anyone used ArtVPS

    I've just had a chat with our hardware suppliers, and they were raving about these ArtVPS Pure cards and Renderdrives. They were saying how quick they are at producing ridiculously realistic images.

    It would be nice to get an unbiassed opinion before considering spending the large amounts of cash on the systems. Also, if I understand correctly, it would involve moving away from Vray entirely and generating scenes with ArtVPS specific materials/models/lighting. Am I right?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2

    Here, they were working with renderdrives since a few years and we did switch to Vray a few months ago,

    For the speed issue: ARTvps claims that their stuff is faster, but their hardware been basicly the same since 4 years, so buying a render drive last winter was the same that buying a renderdrive back in 2001.. Just like if you were claming that your P3 800 could beat up today's top notch computers...

    B.T.W., we get way faster images with Vray (for our use), to be precise, 58.3 % faster, with better looking results ( executive planes interiors/exteriors, resolution over 3K)

    The price: it is really expensive, you have to pay each year to get their new stuff.. If we take their word to say that 1 renderdrive equals over 16 computers, well, you can get a quite decent renderfarm with the amount of money.. and your renderfarm is not dependant on 1 program.. It could be used for other stuff...

    Producing ridiculously realistic images: Well, that's what each software provider wants to make you beleive, actually, Renderdrive is about 3 years late on GI, HDRI.. (It is comming out now, and I'll belive in all these features when I'll see them) it is a nice raytracing solution, I think realistic images depends on user, I've seen amazing images in Brazil, Vray, Maxwell, F-R, Radiosity and even scanline.. all depends what you do with it..

    So, Just want to be clear, I do not want to destroy renderdrive, I think it is a nice product.. Just saying going hardware for rendering means you are stuck with it after.. For results, well browse any renderer mfg, and you'll se that their stuff ain't better, ain't worst, and for speed/quality ratio, well I think that you are actually on the good forum
    Alain Blanchette


    • #3
      Oh, B.T.W, if you are going with renderdrives, let me know

      We do have some renderdrives that we would like to sel l
      Alain Blanchette


      • #4
        Thanks for the response.

        It is quite a rich claim, I must admit. Half the time spent producing an image with Vray is spent modifying 'settings' to get a good speed/quality ration going. It just sounds nice to be able to say: "well, thats glass - make it glass. That's a nice shiny metal - apply a shiny metal texture...". (After 4 years with Vray, I still find it very difficult (impossible) to make nice smooth blurry reflections!)

        ArtVPS aren't far from us in the UK. I remember going to an Expo in London a few years ago (6 or 7 actually) and talking to their main sales guy about these renderdrives. We carried on asking the question: "Is it faster?". He wouldn't answer. Their whole marketing strategy seemed to be based on the fact that it is REAL. Speed didn't appear to be important to them.

        Now their marketing has flipped over by heavily promoting the speedy render times.

        You make a good point about a render farm being used for other apps. We use ours for Combustion/After Effects etc.

        I've just read a 25-page document about a company who has employed the PURE/Renderdrive products in their offices. It did seem to back up what you have said about GI and HDRI. I can't imagine going back to a situation without decent GI! In actual fact, I don't think I could remember how to position fill-in omnis all over the place! Dome Of Lights....aaaaggggghhhhh!
        Kind Regards,
        Richard Birket



        • #5
          well, to say this is glass, or this is metal,

          There is the 1.5 comming, wich will include diff. shaders, But I don't know how wide it will cover as materials, or pre-set stuff

          On the other side, you can find lots of pre-made librairies out there, for pre-set materials, and after 4 years, your mat. librairy should start to get quite big...

          And the fact: it is real, well, not, mabee materials are better (wich I think is not true) but you do need good light to put these materials in value, wich renderdrive is not able to do at the moment
          Alain Blanchette


          • #6
            after using vray for so long setting up materials comes as second nature to me. i know what ill get when i alter a setting in the m-editor. as for render much do they cost? cant you spend that money on a second computer?

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              an old model renderdrive 5000 is about 22 500$ US, ( I do not know if UK dealers sells it for the same price, we are probably paying a lot of shipping in north america...) you can afford lots of rendering power for that price..
              Alain Blanchette


              • #8
                I'm *reasonably* confident at many materials, but we rarely use libraries we have made for past projects. The reason for this is that we continue to develop our techniques - even with 4 years past experience with Vray, we still tweak things.

                (But we still can't get blurry metals looking very good on curvey profiled metal composite cladding in a reasonable amount of time.)

                In a way, I am glad it is not so easy to do what we do. If it was, architects and developers would be doing it themselves!
                Kind Regards,
                Richard Birket



                • #9
                  Originally posted by thablanch
                  an old model renderdrive 5000 is about 22 500$ US, ( I do not know if UK dealers sells it for the same price, we are probably paying a lot of shipping in north america...) you can afford lots of rendering power for that price..
                  Renderdrives have come down in price.

                  They are very good for doing stuff like phitorealistic renders of products "virtual photography" but they are not so good for architectural scenes or models that contain heavy geometry.

                  Tricky... you dont need to place omni's in a dome when rendering on a renderdrive because you can use a renderman area light that acts as a dome, it works really well actually.

                  My advice would be to spend the money on a few renderslaves and Vray if you are producing architectural images/animations.



                  • #10
                    22 500$ USD!!!! woah!!! thats alot. if you can get cheap render slaves for about hmmm. 2000 USD then i guess you can get 11 of those and 500 left back for a good meal to treat the staff. BTW..realise it was your HARDWARE guy recomending the product. its not like he will recommend SOFTWARE hehehe. he would be putting himself out by about hmmm...22 500$ USD if he did that

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #11
                      I had a very similar experience with renderdrive. We were given one to test out for a week. The quality was not there and the price was very high. Plus the speed was actually very slow. Their claims that it replaces 16 computers is insane since it can't even replace one (in terms of speed). You are then tied to this boat anchor of a box which is out of date before you take it out of the box. Plus you have to change your whole pipeline. Keep in mind that was a few years back so thing might have changed. But at the time we were testing it versus MentalRay (vray did not exists yet). The only thing I liked about it was that is was RIB compiant. Software solutions will always rule over hardware since they can grow with your hardware:


                      and for $22k, you can buy 2 computer with quad dual-core AMD (8 cores per computer) like I saw at Siggraph. Doing a net render on that with Vray would blow the doors of anything IMHO.


                      • #12
                        you dont think a flexible gpu based system is feasible? I mean if they created one to work with vray, then BAM, shows over. right? I dont know squat about that stuff so Im only guessing. That gelato is supposed to be really coming on nicely though.

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by percydaman
                          you dont think a flexible gpu based system is feasible? I mean if they created one to work with vray, then BAM, shows over. right? I dont know squat about that stuff so Im only guessing. That gelato is supposed to be really coming on nicely though.

                          gelato is not very impressive, everything rendered I've seen looks like a game, a nicely rendered game but...

                          It does make sense to leverage the gpu's already in a system though.
                          Eric Boer


                          • #14
                            Da_elf: I take everything I hear with a pinch of salt. Obviously there are biassed opinions everywhere: in this forum, there will be a bias towards Vray of course.

                            I saw one of those quad machines at Siggraph - wow. Now that would be nice.

                            We have about 6 dual Xeon/2GB machines in our office. When we are rendering (or even if we aren't in the warm summers) they scream like some wailing banshee! 6 large fans in each machine, all at full RPM. Now that's annoying. Imagine what it would be like with quad-processor boards????
                            Kind Regards,
                            Richard Birket



                            • #15
                              We have about 6 dual Xeon/2GB machines in our office. When we are rendering (or even if we aren't in the warm summers) they scream like some wailing banshee! 6 large fans in each machine, all at full RPM. Now that's annoying. Imagine what it would be like with quad-processor boards????[/quote]

                              You think that's noisy? Wait till you hear a renderdrive on full chant... thats noisy!

