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How can I load the previous V-Ray material library?

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  • How can I load the previous V-Ray material library?

    When you click on the "V-Ray Material Library," it will open the Cosmos browser. I am aware that the V-Ray Material Library has been integrated with Cosmos, but is there a way for me to use the V-Ray Material Library independently? I would like to know how to access it because it allows me to register and access custom materials that I create.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	481
Size:	61.1 KB
ID:	1185554

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	424
Size:	207.4 KB
ID:	1185555

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. The V-Ray Material Library is integrated in the Cosmos Browser and will no longer be available separately. In the future the button that redirects you to Cosmos will be removed as well.
    One alternative is to use the 3ds Max's material library to build and save your own materials.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I didn't like this change myself.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
        ".... In the future the button that redirects you to Cosmos will be removed as well....".
        Why remove this bottom? it´s a handy way to get to material sources pretty quickly. Why is everything gone all time and confusing with different workflows (and new bugs) over and over again?


        • #5
          Hi, you will have all the same materials from the old material library and also new ones in the Cosmos Browser. It has a search and it is divided into groups, I find it straight forward to use.
          Vladimir Krastev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
            Hi, you will have all the same materials from the old material library and also new ones in the Cosmos Browser. It has a search and it is divided into groups, I find it straight forward to use.
            Will the Cosmos Browser have the option to add your custom library to it? For now, this is the main advantage between the two.
            pixel bender @ panoptikon


            • #7
              It's a commonly requested feature. It's on our to-do list.

