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many problems with 1.47.03 and backburner

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  • many problems with 1.47.03 and backburner

    Is anyone else sharing my problems with the latest vray, max7 and backburner? I seem to be getting a lot of "unhandled exceptions" or black frames being rendered. My geometry isn't particularly complex, and I have a vray plain gray material override on with just one sun and skylight (not max skylight, just a pale blue env).

    I am not 100% sure, put dynamic geometry *seems* to sometimes help, but I never even bothered with this checkbox on the previous install of vray (1.09r). My geometry is always very static - no disp or hair or anything like that.

    The latest vray just seems much less capable with backburner.
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    It would probably be simpler to go back to a version that works for you - I think you mentioned that 1.46.xx worked fine.

    As for the problems themselves, they may be related to same issues as the VIZ 2006 and we are looking into this.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      i actually have some of those problems too...
      I dont think i can revert back to whatever version just like that due to amount of time i will have to spend downgrading/upgrading the whole farm.
      My Server runs entirely on LINUX including backburner but i dont think its an issue.

      Vlado is there any update coming soon or shall i really revert back?

      Lately i spent most of my time in server room trying to fix problems and rerender bad frames. We do huge amounts of animation, the farm never goes off but 50% of that time is rerendering, restarting, reconfiguring etc...

      for example:
      Some of render slaves (in random order) do not get VRMAP from server.. there goes no warning and the frame goes dark. My vrmap files are usualy big, around 150-200mb

      Weird random errors on backburner: Path not found, timeouts, unhandled exceptions on realy light scenes etc...

      Issues with reading VRMESH files over the network. Some frames do have missing proxys... again, no warning or error. (we must save sources over the network for project collaboration)

      The above issue is extremely painful when calculating IMAP for animation.
      When IMAP file is saved without trees and merged with another which has trees...the whole animation goes bad.

      I get exactly same problems on WIN2003 and LINUX... so i guess there is a problem somewhere else.


      i do remember me running very smoothly on previous versions...
      I am not using DR at all, neither PPT... what version would you recommend?


      • #4
        We got the issues with missing vrmaps and missing vrproxies aswell. The issue with the missing vrmaps got better when we turned them to writeprotected.

