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vray and deadline

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  • vray and deadline

    Hi all,

    We've recently switched from using backburner over to deadline for doing our network rendering.

    I was wondering if anyone here has any advice in trying to use the vray vfb and gbuffer passes with deadline.

    so far I have not had any luck in getting my gbuffer passes saved through deadline.


    V Miller

  • #2
    They don't work

    Vray VFB doesn't work with Deadline. What version of Deadline are you using ? I was having the problem about a week ago and got onto Frantic. To tell you the truth I was not overly impressed with their response.

    They suggested using the latest build of Deadline which I haven't had a chance to install yet - but when I asked them to replicate the problem they kept telling me that they didn't have a current version of Vray on their network to test!!!!! - but to date I am not sure if they have tested it nor not.

    I have downloaded the latest build


    Which I will try today - unless you already have this buid installed and it still doesn't work - in which case I have to chase Frantic again.

    Good Luck - I'll keep you updated of my experiments.


    • #3
      I'm using the latest version of deadline. we asked them to add some functionality similar to that of backburner like changing cameras and resolution which they did.

      I surprised you're having trouble with them since our IT guys seems to think they are very responsive. He has contacted them to see what the deal is.

      It seems to me that deadline is not coded to make use of the vray vfb and gbuffer passes but as these are things addressable through command lined rendering, it might be possible to work around it to some degree.
      theres always backburner.

      V Miller


      • #4
        anyone got a link for frantic and deadline?
        Im interested to see what the benefits are
        Chris Jackson


        • #5
          we switched to it mostly because it allowed us to do after effects network renders easier than without it. and we can keep track of it all through one monitor window.


          • #6
            thanks for the info.
            We use combustion, so Im guessing backburner will be the best for our workflow
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              lots of things supported

              They support alot of applications. We switched because we needed to manage Ligthwave, Maya and 3ds on the same farm. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the World to set-up and I am currently back on Backburner because the latest upgrade went arseways on my system during install - ah the joy of machines !!


              • #8
                thats anooying when that happens!
                If only everything worked how it should, life would be easy
                Chris Jackson


                • #9
                  At work we couldn't get deadline to work with VRay frame buffer either. But, we still use deadline, just have to remember and switch back to the max buffer ooooh man it sucks to open up them renders and see nothing but black. doh!
         - - -


                  • #10

                    did you contact Frantic Films about their lack of support for the vray vfb and g buffers. The more people that get on them for this the better.

                    V Miller


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vance3d
                      did you contact Frantic Films about their lack of support for the vray vfb and g buffers. The more people that get on them for this the better.
                      Yes, I believe we did, that and a few other things If I remember correctly.
             - - -


                      • #12
                        Do you think they are on it ?

                        How long ago did you first notice the VFB problem and tell frantic ? I first contacted them about 3 weeks ago - I wonder are they working on it at all ? I was shocked that it woudl be a problem because I know they use Vray over there. For anybody considering Deadline the other reason we switched was an apparent problem with backburner and a large number of machines, say over 20 or so. I had heard that it gets difficult. Of course I am down to six at the moment until I get my install / upgrade problems ironed out, I'm back using backburner but half the machines are no longer configured correctly to use it and it doesn't make sense to get into that mess if I'm going back to Deadline.


                        • #13
                          If you are using combustion, go with backburner. Remember, combustion can render out over backburner as well!


                          • #14
                            we just contacted them with the vfb problem yesterday. We wouldn't use deadline if we weren't so After Effects heavy here. Plus we're using some maya now and then as well.

                            V Miller


                            • #15
                              soooooo....umm. cant you just use backburner for 3d rendering and the other thing for AE rendering? or they cant be both on the system at the same time?

                              MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                              stupid questions the forum can answer.

