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Visible to GI Checkbox

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  • Visible to GI Checkbox

    Hi there,

    We have noticed that the checkbox "visible to GI" has been removed from the VrayProperties. In Vray 5, we used this feature to remove GI shadows that were still visible despite the deactivation of "Cast Shadows".
    Is this no longer necessary?​

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. I am not sure exactly what you are testing. This is how it looks on my 3ds Max 2024 with V-Ray 6.2 and "cast shadows" turned off from object properties. You could try a simple scene and see for yourself as well.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2024-01-09_18-05-33.jpg
Views:	228
Size:	135.8 KB
ID:	1199344
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      As far as I know, in the days of Vray 4, you had to uncheck "visible to GI" and "cast shadow" to eliminate any shadow from direct light and GI (mostly visible when objects were close to each other).
      See this very old discussion:

      It seems that this was no longer necessary since Vray 5 (which I didn't know) and so it was removed in Vray 6. After some testing, I could no longer see any GI shadows after disabling the "cast shadow" option.

      Good to know.

