using vray6 and max 2024 is acescg workflow a lot more simple now? am i missing something in the following simplified workflow?
ACESCG work flow Max 2024
ACESCG work flow Max 2024
- Set Color Management in 3ds Max to OCIO – 3ds Max Default *this one I set to AdobeRGB otherwise sRGB
- This disables Vray Settings for acescg
- Manually set each bitmap (jpgs, tga, png etc.) to Color Space transfer of sRGB
- Manually set each bitmap (jpgs, tga, png etc.) to sRGB Primaries – all within the vray bitmap assuming the images are non-color managed or sRGB
+ - In the VFB, switch to OCIO and check the box for Save in Image, also set Display Device to sRGB or aRGB depending on which you are using
- Save 16-bit TIF file from VFB and open in PS, upon warning, assign aRGB
- The image should pretty much match the VFB exactly. For me reds are a little warmer and touch more saturated but that could be my old monitor profile and crap monitor.