I am having an issue when importing multiple lights with textures (DomeLight or PlaneLight) in Houdini/Solaris, when they are exported in USD from 3dsMax (2024) and VRay (6.2).
Let's say I have a PlaneLight in 3dsMax with a Map connected from a VRayBitmap node.
When this light is exported to USD, the map file information is stored as an attribute in a primitive called "bitmapBuffer_0_g" and placed under "lightFilters" (this is the information that I get when importing usd in Solaris).
Now if I add a second PlaneLight in 3dsMax with another Map connected from a second VRayBitmap node, and both lights are exported to the same USD file. It seems that both maps are written to the same "bitmapBuffer_0_g" primitive, and so only one map file is actually found.
I am having an issue when importing multiple lights with textures (DomeLight or PlaneLight) in Houdini/Solaris, when they are exported in USD from 3dsMax (2024) and VRay (6.2).
Let's say I have a PlaneLight in 3dsMax with a Map connected from a VRayBitmap node.
When this light is exported to USD, the map file information is stored as an attribute in a primitive called "bitmapBuffer_0_g" and placed under "lightFilters" (this is the information that I get when importing usd in Solaris).
Now if I add a second PlaneLight in 3dsMax with another Map connected from a second VRayBitmap node, and both lights are exported to the same USD file. It seems that both maps are written to the same "bitmapBuffer_0_g" primitive, and so only one map file is actually found.