Hi, I'm not sure if this post belongs in General or in Bugs, but I have a strong preminition that this is definately my fault, and has nothing to do with Vray's programming. Anyways, attached is a single frame from a walkthrough I'm currently working on (my first in Vray.) I changed my GI settings for this part of the video because it's the only part where the lighting changes (due to a door that opens as the camera approaches it.) I had no problems when rendering for the walkthrough before this point; I was using an IR map (multiframe incremental at Medium Animation) and a Light Cache (walkthrough mode with typical settings.) At this point in the scene I had the system calculate both the IR map and the LC for each frame, and I'm starting to lose my mapped material for the door in some spots. I am VERY new to working with Vray, and I apologize if this is a common issue that is posted everywhere, but I couldn't guess on how to search for other threads on this issue. Okay, thank you to anyone who can provide some assistance.
- Alex
- Alex