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Deadline and G-buffer - tech support from Chaos

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  • Deadline and G-buffer - tech support from Chaos

    OK I am still dealing with the G-buffer Deadline issue.
    I have been in constant contact with the Deadline guys, Scott McCulloch and Ryan Russell and they are having problems getting network authorization for Vray from Chaos.

    I don't know exactly what the issue is but I know that G-buffer does not work with Deadline, and I am told by the Frantic people that they cannot resolve the issue until they get necessary " authorization" from Chaos.

    Vlado or anybody on the forum from Vray please work with Frantic to get this probem resolved. I know I am not the only one with the Deadline G-buffer problem, and it's huge, I cannot work around it any longer. It might not be a general Vray bug that you guys can fix (as it does not effect Backburner) but if they can't get what they need to work on the problem from you, then it becomes a Vray problem.

    Thank you for your continued support.

  • #2
    Yes, we are aware of their problems, they called today and they seem to be having the old "new connection - close connection" problem, so we are trying to determine the cause for this.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Problem details

      Please find below more details on the issue from Ryan at Frantic :

      - machines on our network cannot pull a license from the vray license server
      - the license server shows that machines have tried to connect, but they were disconnected right away
      - so the network machines can see the server, they just cannot get a license
      - we have no firewalls setup
      - we use NOD32 as our antivirus program

      Thanks Vlado


      • #4
        I suppose it's the antivirus program that is problemmatic; in any case I have sent the guys an email with a possible work-around.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5

          Great, lets keep it moving - hope that solves the issue for them, I'll keep in touch and we can get this thing sorted out.


          • #6
            NOD32 is notorious in causing problems with the vray licence server.
            The only fix from seems to be to uninstall NOD32. Unless Vlado's workaround actually works.


            • #7
              Deadline script work around

              I just got a script work around from Frantic, that uses the CMD line renderer, it is a stop gap solution, but I am delighted, it does the trick.

              Now all I need to do is figure out why my shadow pass is pure black ?

              Thanks for your help.


              • #8
                "We use NOD32 as our antivirus program "

                that will do it. nod gave me those nightmares for a while till i wiped it off. i went though all the nod options either talking with peter, vlado, or tisho. i cant remember who. was the closest i came to finding the settings that should work however it still didnt work.

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9

                  I'm glad you're making headway on this issue. It sounds like a solution is near.

                  V Miller


                  • #10
                    uhm, isn't atleast a large part of the solution just not to use NOD32?
                    Eric Boer


                    • #11
                      personally i have an internet computer which has nod32, zone alarm, spy doctor etc, then i have my work stations. they are not alowed on the internet. so why even put anything on it that will waste resources.

                      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                      stupid questions the forum can answer.


                      • #12
                        G-Buffer & Deadline

                        Now things are working pretty well for me. I installed a script from Ryan which sends the render through the command line. The menu looks the same as the normal Deadline output menu but has a few less options.
                        Whats cool is I don't have to use the command line all the time, only when I need to use the G-buffer.
                        Frantic are working on this problem hopefully they'l have a permanent solution soon.
                        As far as I know the NOD32 Vray license issue is still ongoing, that is a completely different issue to Frantic solving the G-buffer problem.
                        I tested things last night and they seem to be working anybody who is looking for this work around let me know and I'll forward you the install instructions and plugin, all at your own risk of course.
                        Onwards and Upwards


                        • #13

                          I'd be interested in getting that fix.

                          can you send it to


                          V Miller


                          • #14
                            Just sent the e-mail

                            Just forwarded you the e-mail, it is rendering away as I write - without any problems - sweet

