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VRayInstancer in 3ds Max using Alembic points from Houdini

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  • VRayInstancer in 3ds Max using Alembic points from Houdini

    I'm importing points exported from Houdini (via Alembic) into 3ds Max to scatter geometry using VRayInstancer. In Houdini, each point includes custom attributes:
    • Name attribute: specifies which object to instance at that point.
    • Orient and Up attributes: define the orientation.
    • Scale attribute: defines non-uniform scaling.

    How can I set up VRayInstancer in 3ds Max to correctly read these custom attributes and determine which geometry gets instanced at each point?

    I'm building a city in Houdini and need to transfer it to 3ds Max for rendering with VRay, using modular building components modeled in 3ds Max.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  • #2
    The VRayInstancer can't read those attributes directly, however, the Phoenix PRT Reader can and it can be used as the instancer's particle system. Quoting the docs: "The following channels can be imported from a .prt file sequence: Position, Velocity, Size, Scale, Age, ID (64 bit), Orientation, and Color.​"
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
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