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Quicktime VR

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  • Quicktime VR

    I'd like to know why using the 'panorama esporter' utility of 3dsmax I can't use distributed render... If I use it I get only black pictures...

    P.S. I usually use DR with no problem, and the same scene without DR, rendered on the local pc, works well (just a little bit too long to render...).


  • #2
    use the vray camera set to spherical 360 to render out your spherical panorama. then load it into your max environment and THEN use the max VR quicktime utility.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      I can't find any spherical camera that can render an image that cover all the 6 views (top, bottom, left, right,...)
      I can't understand why the 1st time I could use DR, and then I couldn't anymore.

      P.S. How can I create a a QtimeVr from a camera box image?


      • #4
        In the render panel , scroll down to the camera roll out. Change the camera type to Spherical, then tick Override FOV and change it to 360.

        Now when you render you will get a full spherical image (like you get some HDRI's)


        • #5
          Thank-you DaForce, it work!
          But it seem to me that the qtvr generated with a spherical image is not so good as it was generated with a box image... try to see... it has much less distortion and you can look at the very top and the very bottom of the scene.


          • #6
            that may be true, bit Ive gotten seams at corners and edges when using the box method.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              yeah, basically with the spherical one you have only one seem to join. With box you have alot more.

              Also dont forget to render out the spherical map at a 2:1 resolution.
              By that i mean twice as wide as it is high. so 512 high by 1024 wide.
              If you havnt done that then that might be adding to your distortion.

