I have an animation with a noise problem.
The scene is using GI, and is lit by 1 direct light with vray area shadows turned on. The only thing animated is the camera.
I calculated the solution every 10th frame using Irradiance map for the primary bounce (medium - animation preset, HSph sudivs 50, Interp samples 20), and QMC for secondary.
QMC sampler settings are noise threshold 0.002, min samples 16, global subdivs 4
Image sampler: Adaptive subdivision min -1 max 2 threshold 0.1
Antialiasing filter: Area
Some parts of the image are fine, but on others the result is that crawling noise effect, even on one material in particular which is a very basic vray material (just a diffuse colour - no bump or reflection)
Does anyone have any advice on which settings may improve things?
I have an animation with a noise problem.
The scene is using GI, and is lit by 1 direct light with vray area shadows turned on. The only thing animated is the camera.
I calculated the solution every 10th frame using Irradiance map for the primary bounce (medium - animation preset, HSph sudivs 50, Interp samples 20), and QMC for secondary.
QMC sampler settings are noise threshold 0.002, min samples 16, global subdivs 4
Image sampler: Adaptive subdivision min -1 max 2 threshold 0.1
Antialiasing filter: Area
Some parts of the image are fine, but on others the result is that crawling noise effect, even on one material in particular which is a very basic vray material (just a diffuse colour - no bump or reflection)
Does anyone have any advice on which settings may improve things?