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Beware!!! Stolen pictures by iMob

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  • #46
    hi guys, he asked me permission about my images i didnt know he stolen others but seeing these kind of comments you do to him will make more a like a war.

    the best way to have resolved this was to ask kindly to remove ur images not in a forum better personal messages or by email.

    TRGraphics- i like very much your work i dont think works need to be compared because in art or design nobody is better


    • #47
      Uhhh, what he did was/is highly unprofessional! How else are people supposed to respond. Stealing is not allowed and is unethical. He should know this, unless he is still in grade 1 or lives where stealing is o.k., which I would guess he doesn't!

      His website has changed as far as images go from last night. Does this mean he has stolen others works? How are we even supposed to know now he has done what he has done!
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      "DR or Die!"


      • #48
        I think the response TRGraphics received is a disgrace. Heres how I translate it.. (i could be wrong)

        You are an asshole, your are not a master in 3D and your work is horrible. You are jealous of the work that Mexicans are producing and I have lost all respect for the people on the forum like yourself who have turned this into an inquisition (Moose?). I study your posts on the forum to see if the quality of your work approaches that of Ziliban but this comparison makes you look like a girl (?)

        Insulting as this may be, its actually kind of halarious. Maybe i've interpreted wrong?

        I feel sorry though for TRG who has to receive this kind of personal insult

        Zuliban, I think people legitmatly had the right to question this persons use of images and that although some people got a bit carried away, the degree of abuse does not come close to what was said to TRG.

        glad when this blows over


        • #49
          actually i don't want to say this, but i laughed my guts out when reading the original version of the insult.
          Dominique Laksmana


          • #50
            So did I, funny stuff.

            He really doesn't like being called what he is, does he.

            I do however, have a great deal of respect and admiration for zulibans work. He is truly gifted.


            • #51
              although some people got a bit carried away
              what do you mean carried away?
              we didn't cut his arms .... yet.
              BTW how much he charge for an image?
              is it in usd or pesos?


              • #52
                i saw the price it was like this : $2500 blabla $8000 pesos for 1500pix x 1200 pix resolution...
                is there such thing? twentyfive hundreds dollar pesos?? hmm
                how many pesos is one USD? i'd better check in yahoo... hehehe
                Dominique Laksmana


                • #53
                  1usd = 10 pesos.
                  2500pesos = us$250???
                  really???? can i pass all my work to you??
                  Dominique Laksmana


                  • #54
                    Look, I think the point that stealing/claiming others work is unacceptable has been made - lets stop before this becomes more of witch hunt. I am sure by now this point has been driven home and then some...

                    Let the number of people that view this thread speak for its self, over 1290 when I last checked - the message is out.

                    Saad "BlueShift" Ur Rahman

                    "Professional built the Titanic, amateurs built the Arc."


                    • #55
                      Yep i agree with Blushift .... enough already, im sure he is fealing a little stupid and has probably learnt his lesson.


                      • #56
                        ok then...
                        let's call it off.
                        Dominique Laksmana


                        • #57
                          Natty... lock it up


                          • #58

