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Vray for VIZ 2006

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  • Vray for VIZ 2006

    Vray doesn't appear to work with VIZ 2006 if you use bitmaps in your textures (Missing Map bug). Everyone that uses VIZ 2006 seems to be using 1.46 build. I don't have this build and Chaos doesn't have it up anymore. I requested it yesterday and have no response. I know they are busy, maybe they should put it up on the site since it is the one to use with VIZ.

  • #2
    Sorry, but it seems your mail hasn't come to us.
    Please send a new request at <> with your login and pass for the support section.

    Best regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      They sent the 1.46 build. I'm going to give it a try. Thanks Chaos.


      • #4
        there's a sticky about this issue in the problems section

        might be worth a read...
        when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


        • #5
          I doubt whether it's valid to say all bitmaps in textures have issues. I haven't come across this problem yet. Been using the Free version for a while and now 1.47.03 on Viz2006 without hassles.

          Maybe it's a problem with specific format bitmaps. For example there are more than one type of jpg file. I've had problems with some tga files as well, but it seems to be a Viz problem reading the file and it appears the moment you load the bitmap, not during rendering....

          It might help if you happen to get the error to check the type of bitmap and perhaps post it for others to test?
          Max 8 SP3
          V-Ray 1.5 SP2
          WinXP SP3
          Dual Xeon 3.4GHz
          2GB RAM


          • #6
            i've not even installed viz2006 yet - i decided to stick with 2005 until the issue was resolved...
            unfortunately the only resolution at present seems to be not using the latest beta which i see as taking a step backwards.

            i don't think i'm particularly missing anything by not using 2006 i?
            when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


            • #7
              I don't use the "real world mapping" or the tool palettes, so I don't think there's much that I'm missing.
              Max 8 SP3
              V-Ray 1.5 SP2
              WinXP SP3
              Dual Xeon 3.4GHz
              2GB RAM


              • #8
                So it seems I can't use 1.47 with Viz 2006, so I have to use 1.46. For those who are using 1.46 and Viz2006, are you having any problems with it?




                • #9
                  Seems to work ok for me

