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Viewport issues

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  • Viewport issues

    Here is a MAX Viz question for you,

    I'm having a viewport problem. For some reason my viewports in a file are not displaying right. If I go to a shaded view, my VP shows objects boyond the objects in the forground making it very difficult to to model and see whats going on , not to mention anoying. I've tried to merge the geometry into a new scene, but this doesn't work. I've tried going through options under VP config but can't seem to fix it.
    Does anyone have any solutions or thoughts for me?


  • #2
    Can be caused by a lot of things, some common ones are:

    Working far away from the origin

    Objects with zero verts

    very large or very small objects

    Hmm thought there were more but I can't think of them...
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      If your just modelling on a single object it maybe just be easiest to isolat that object and work on it. ALT + Q (well thats in Max, im sure its the same in VIZ but dont know)

      Sure this isnt a proper fix but its a decent work around I guess.


      • #4
        There is also empty group which could cause that.


        • #5
          hmm i dont know if this will help, but you could try fiddling with the hardware accelleration slider in your graphics card settings (It could be graphics card related).

          Another old issue that used to be important in lightscape was setting a foreground clipping plane. For some reason this used to cause things to display weird and iv've kind of noticed the same in max. I always have a 500mm near clipping plane.

          More than likely this isnt helpfull, but if you want to try, go ahead


          • #6
            Empty group or an object that was all deleted by vertex, exemple, so there is nothing left, except a name and this bug.
            Someone that was working here was working this way
            So each time we open one of his old project, we need to clean up..
            Why Max does this, well, don't know....
            Alain Blanchette


            • #7
              Thanks for the response,
              I never isolated the problem, I checked for empty groups, tried modifying my graphics accelerator.
              In the end I had to save out chunks of the model and merge those chunks into a fresh scene. When I tried to merge everything in at once it still gave me the same problem.
              Here is the strange part. I had it down to three windows. When I merged all three at once this problem re-occured, but merging them in seperatly they came in ok.

              Cool tip DaForce


              • #8
                hehe thanks... its been a life saver for me... Soooo usefull


                • #9
                  Re: Viewport issues

                  I think I just sort of had the same problem. I had another file xrefed in with a large terrain object that was frozen in that file, and it was clipping and showing the terrain in front of the buildings in my current file. Once I unfroze the terrain object in the other file, my viewport started behaving correctly again. This was on max8, never had this problem on earlier versions of max. Although if I pan or rotate in the viewport, it does the same thing during the middle of the operation but then displays correctly when I let go of the mouse, very odd. This only happens for objects with transparency.

                  Originally posted by BBullo
                  Here is a MAX Viz question for you,

                  I'm having a viewport problem. For some reason my viewports in a file are not displaying right. If I go to a shaded view, my VP shows objects boyond the objects in the forground making it very difficult to to model and see whats going on , not to mention anoying. I've tried to merge the geometry into a new scene, but this doesn't work. I've tried going through options under VP config but can't seem to fix it.
                  Does anyone have any solutions or thoughts for me?



                  • #10
                    is it the same problem as reported here?


                    what graphics card / drivers are you using?
                    when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                    • #11
                      Soreal, I don't know if you were asking me or ksmeltzer.
                      I have a Quadro4 980 XGL.
                      Mine wasn't video settings, but rather something in the scene causing it to display like this. I looks fine after rebuilding (merging to a new file) the scene.

                      But for good measure I switched my display driver over to D3D.
                      I was directed to this site with a good breakdown on setting that up.


                      • #12
                        I also had this problem with viewport once.
                        In my case it was the MAX6 sunlight system that was causing the problem.
                        Once I deleted it the problems gone away.



                        • #13

                          heh! i was asking anyone really!

                          just wondered if there was a deffinitive (sp?) answer really...

                          i've tried the merging trick and it has worked, but i've had the problem re-appear and occur on a few files.

                          losing the x,y,z from the gizmo and viewport titles seems to happen more regularly.

                          thanks for the d3d link - i'll have a look on monday - too late to worry about such things this week!

                          can you use maxtreme with d3d?
                          when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                          • #14
                            Siwtch to perspective view, still happens ?

                            Mine does it in user view in large project but not in perspective looks like Max 8 bug , never happened before..


                            • #15
                              quadroFX1000 (sniff, it's old) hopefully my machine's lease is coming up in the near future...

                              maxtreme 7.0 and max8

                              Originally posted by s0real
                              is it the same problem as reported here?


                              what graphics card / drivers are you using?

