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reflect / transparency

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  • reflect / transparency


    Why can i see my background image just because I want some reflections in the water, I just vant the water to reflect the buildings and the trees, mabye with a litle bit of a sky image in the diffuse ( say 50 %)

    this is the background image

  • #2
    its the same with raytrace as well., you cant use a screen mapped image for a background for reflections

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
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    • #3
      the image is not on any object, only as background when i render


      • #4
        As Da_Elf says, you can't set the environment background image mapping type to be screen-mapped because this happens.

        Try making a Quad Patch object and positioning it so it fills the view and use this as your background - then these reflection "errors" wont happen.


        • #5
          If it's only serving as a background, I'd rather go for a gradient, as all you see in the background is a gradient..

          Otherwise, if you really really really want to use this as your background image, put it in the environment slot, and override your reflections, with either a solid colour or a spherical mapped picture, in the render menu.



          • #6
            If u insist on using that image, apply bitmap cropping, crop to the horizon line, use 'mirror' on the u and the v tiling, switch to 'spherical' mapping, and then adjust your v offset until the horizon is back in place...ta-daaaa

            While you're at it, you should sample the colour of your bkgd image near the horizon line and use this colour in the vray enviro colour.

            You're going to reduce the noise scale on the water right? It looks weird at the moment.
            Needs more cowbell


            • #7
              Hi Thanks for all your help it was a great help to me

