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Tool to convert opacity mapped faces into geometry leaves

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  • #46
    Thanks for the tip!

    What value should I have the Auto Edge set to?

    -- DJ


    • #47
      Hi joconnell,
      thanx for shareing this script with us.
      I got some problem, I should be doing something wrong
      I generate AEC foliage first, then convert to mesh, then convert to poly, because doesn't allow straight conversion to poly
      then I created some geometry, than do script, when is done, I got mesh with my geometry scattered in the tree, and got poly initial one. How can I delete 'old' leaves?, because they are not loose, they are still part of the branches and all.



      • #48
        Hi Repenseks,
        if you open your layer manager, you should see the original object. Just hide/delete it.

        -- DJ


        • #49
          Hi DJ-Studd,

          thank you for very fast reply, unfortunately, when I finish with script I have three layers, one is my geometry leaf, onother one is scattered leaf as one mesh/layer, and third one is poly of the tree which I converted from AEC foliage to mesh to poly. Maybe my procedure is wrong?



          • #50
            hey joconnell, great scipt. one Issue Im having is the leaves need to be oriented the same as the planes mapping, at the moment they get rotated randomly (even though random leaf rotation is set to 0) basically I need the leaves to be growing from the branches, at the moment they get rotated all over the place.


            • #51
              Heya Jay - Unfortunately this is the case with the aec leaves too - they don't orient themselves with the leaf stalk coming out from the branch in the proper fashion. The script pretty much takes the rotation and position of the source face and uses that as the transform for the new leaf.

              I'm working on something in particle flow that will hopefully solve that by either emitting particles from the surface normal of the trees or by making entire trees via particles - quite like what the blur l system plugin is doing but I can't make any promises about when it'll be done - the script itself is just controlling a branching flow however so I could make a mock up pflow tree scene and release the file for others to tinker with.


              • #52
                sounds interesting


                • #53
                  It's fairly straight forward to do using spawned trails and so on in particle flow, I'll probably end up doing something similar to the particle flow spline script so that you get a spline for each of the branches with a tapered cylinder object applied to each to give you decent mapping coordinates. It mighn't be as correct as xfrog stuff but hopefully people can fiddle enough with the flow to give us a few different types of trees.


                  • #54
                    Cool,let us know when you get something put together,i'd be interested in trying it out.


                    • #55
                      ok thanks for the info (& the script) I'll keep an eye out for any updates, great job so far


                      • #56
                        Thanks, looking forward to the update also

                        -- DJ


                        • #57
                          Where can I find this script now ?


                          • #58
                            Nowhere at the moment, it's being improved a good bit and should be back soon. Actually that reminds me about posting the colour correct redux


                            • #59
                              Cool....looking forward to trying it out.


                              • #60
                                re-post old script??

                                Sounds like a huge render time saver, looking forward to the update. Missed the buss on the original script, can someone who has the old script post it again so I can run a few tests?

                                Thanx in advance!

