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Vray + Server

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  • Vray + Server

    Now that I have the network farm up and running and all plugins working on all machines. How do I run the server app and the vrayspawner as a service on all the workstations?

  • #2
    you can use task scheduler to make windows run these at startup or at a specific time. Alternatively, make a shortcut to serverapp and vrayspawner and put them into the startup folder in your start menu.


    • #3
      The backburner server can be set as a service by going to the directory in a command shell and typing "serversvc -i"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dynedain
        The backburner server can be set as a service by going to the directory in a command shell and typing "serversvc -i"
        Great, thanks.

        What about the vrayspawner60.exe?

        vrayspawner60svc -i ?


        • #5
          I've come to the conclusio that Dist. render is nothing more than a myth. I havn't seen one post from a single user who has DR working. And if they do, no ones sharing. Bummer.


          • #6
            Works here...

            There are some extra steps that are neccessary to get it working with viz.

            to install the spawner as a service it is
            VRaySpawner60.exe -service
            Let us know what steps you have tried and I am sure we can get you going.
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              Originally posted by RANONandPARTNER
              I've come to the conclusio that Dist. render is nothing more than a myth. I havn't seen one post from a single user who has DR working. And if they do, no ones sharing. Bummer.
              I have gotten it working here

              Important things to note - make sure that all maps are on the local computer, otherwise at random times some maps just won't load.

              One you've installed the vrayspawner as a service, make sure you go into computer management and the services console and change the service login account to your normal account, otherwise it won't launch properly.

              Good luck

              -- DJ


              • #8
                sorry for jumping in with a dumb question, but could someone explain quickly what advantages you get by running servers/spawners as a service instead of normal mode?

                won't they have low priorities because of running as a 'background task'


                • #9
                  it's fine for them to have low priority, they are not rendering anyway (except the bb server)
                  unless some other process has higher priority they will get the same cpu time

                  services can be restarted/controlled remotely using the microsoft management console (type mmc in the command line and add the services snapin from your windows/system32 directory)

                  + you don't have to be logged in to have them running
                  + they can easily be run in another user's context (i.e. you are logged in with limited rights and the service has admin rights)


                  • #10
                    thanks for the info mike!

                    i'm just using tightVNC for controlling my renderslaves, think i'll stick to it too, since it works great and there's no speed increase or anything in using services.

                    if anyone finds services confusing, have a look at

                    not exactly the same but, free and painless remoting...


                    • #11
                      i've also had success in accessing the remote processes with sysinternals pstools
                      you can even kill and re-execute processes remotely - without the network overhead a vnc produces


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I install VNC on all my rendernodes, which is great for installing patches, updates, plugins, etc... but for most of the admin (restarting services, rebooting, etc) I do it all through the MS tools (like mmc) or Dave's Vray Slave Tools (which relies on psTools).


                        • #13
                          VRAY dr

                          Originally posted by RErender
                          Works here...

                          There are some extra steps that are neccessary to get it working with viz.

                          to install the spawner as a service it is
                          VRaySpawner60.exe -service
                          Let us know what steps you have tried and I am sure we can get you going.
                          Steps Taken:
                          1. Installed Viz 2006 on Slave mach.
                          2. Installed Backburner on Slave Mach.
                          3. Installed Vray Slave Mach.
                          4. Edited Map Paths on Slave Mach.
                          5. Created vrayspawner.ini on Slave Mach.
                          6. Backburner server and vrayspawner running as a service on slave Mach
                          7. Ran a test backburner net render to achieve a working
                          vraydummy60.max and xml files.
                          8. Copied max file and xml file to Slave Mach.
                          9. Ran a test DR render, vray can see the ip of the slave machine but
                          gives the error: "Warning: Render Host Failed"

                          Don't know what else to do?


                          • #14
                            don't know in viz but we had a problem with max
                            with increment on save on customize/preference/file
                            this option was incompatible with dr
                            maybe check this


                            • #15
                              Nooo not the dreaded Viz2006

                              Heh, Max is so easy it pretty much just works


                              Anyways this string has a few things you may have not done, download and use the files Candelero posted and did you install viz in the default directory .
                              Eric Boer

