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  • Pricing

    I have been asked by a friend if I could produce some visuals for a Spanish Villa he's building and wants to advertise. Now I've never had to price the visuals I do as I work for a company and get other people to bill the clients so I have no idea how much these things cost. I've worked out a costing on an hourly rate for a week's work but really don't know if I am selling myself short. Now just to point out I am not trying to undercut anyone here....simply doing a job for a mate so if anyone could offer any advice/pricing plans I would be grateful. My job is too cushty and I don't plan on going it alone!

    My costing plan is:

    3 No. photorealistic views of 3D model at 800x600 res. for publishing to the Web. Model worked in Viz 2006 with Vray rendering. Approx 3-5 days work incl. of rendering time(overnight if necessary).Price:-£600 GBP

    Is this too much...not enough......I'd be crazy to ask for anything less than X GBP......I don't have a clue.

    Please help.
    Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?

  • #2
    for 30 hours professional work i would double that at least, but since it's mates rates it up to you really.


    • #3
      Way low in my opinion. Gotta think of intellectual property rights being purchased and not just your hourly rate. More use = more money. Intellectual rights purchase is really outside of your hourly wage as that covers software/hardware/pension/medical/your actual wage/ insurance for business/government licensing fees for business etc.

      However, that all said he is your mate and as long as he understands that he is getting a favour and is willing to return the favour down the road then charge what you feel is fair to you and him with your friendship in consideration. I still think your rate is too low, especially considering your cost of living in England!

      Just my 2 cents.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      "DR or Die!"


      • #4
        I agree....make sure he understand that you are doing him a favour. In my experience, i have cut some friends some slck on the price and they came to expect it everytime.

        Just cause you can do it for cheaper sometimes...doesn't always mean you should.
        -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


        • #5
          I'm discovering that you should always let people know when you are giving them a break period. It's good practice to be upfront.
          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

