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Single high performance or DR ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by plastic_
    i wish it worked for me but there's always some problem, conflict, bugs, unreliable behaviour, etc.
    i gave it up because i want my workflow to be predictable, i can't stand strange problems when a deadline is approaching.
    I have to agree with plastic on this one. DR for me has been very unreliable. When I feel like playing around with it, it works great but it's usually more trouble than I feel like dealing with on a regular basis, especially for deadlines. Maybe the newer builds will resolve this but for most of us, this is what we're stuck with.

    I'm shopping for a new machine to speed up my renders and I'm definitely not relying on DR to get me there. So rather than two dr machines I'm going for a dual opteron.

    My $.02,

    David - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


    • #17
      Considering the prices for a dual opteron 265 these days it really doesn't make since to buy anything else. Unless, your on a very tight budget. But even then, if your planning on buying more than two x-2 machines, it's actually much cheaper to buy the dual 265 opteron.

      If you use Lightcache a lot, it's much faster on the opteron's. It uses all four cores. Remember, LC is not able to use DR at this time.

