I've been trying to solve this DR problem for days and am stumped. The attached image is a crop of an image from a fairly complex scene (400,000 faces). I have all textures and IES light data loaded on each of the 10 machines, and all materials and light web data point to the right path. I am rendering the 3300 x 2500 image with IR Primary and QMC Secondary. IR Preset is Low, Single Frame set to Auto Save and Switch To Saved checked. Everything else is standard settings. After the first render, the image is covered with these dark squares. I then copy the 45 MB Vrmap to each of the 10 machines and change the From File location to point to the correct path and re-render. Some of the dark buckets go away but not all. Some of the dark buckets, as seen in the image, are soft, leading me to think that they are embedded in the Vrmap. I've successfully rendered on just one machine (20 hours!!) but can't live with that. I've searched the forum and think I've tried everything suggested. What am I overlooking? Anyone have the same problem? What was the solution.
Thanks, Craig
Thanks, Craig