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Build 1.5.06 what is it?

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  • #16
    Those comparisons are pretty useless since 1.49.03 is not the latest build that was handed out to devs and the "1.50.0" could just as well be a hacked 1.49.xx version...


    • #17
      im not the one making the comparisons....just some images from the interweb.

      im just concluding that i'm glad not to experince all those changes from the minor versions and are looking forward to a finished version.


      • #18
        I know these be fighting words, and this thread will probably become a "sticky", but how come Brazil are moving to ver2, finalpants is on stage2 and maxwell just released their version and we still be waiting.... hang on theres a knock at the door i just go an.......


        • #19
          Well....i=d say because unlike NL chaos aint rippin us...and the current betas are better then any RC of MW


          • #20
            Thats at least a cool picture on the fake version, wanna try making something like that.


            • #21
              And are any of those any good? comparably to vray?
              How come Your using vray? hmmm

              Time will tell... but i can feel it in my waters.


              • #22
                Finalpants like it, got to agree though, every man and his dog are releasing updates but nothing from chaos.

                I got my update of Maxwell yesterday, i'd rather not use it, and wait for Vray 1.5, (brilliant renderer and mega fast speeds) but how long do you wait when other rendering apps are offering you the goodies that you're drooling over expectantly and still waiting for in Vray.

                Maxwell, regardless of how slow some people may think it is, at present offers that functionality now, and i beleive that most of the finished renders produced by Maxwell are at least as good as those produced using Vray. (Dont shout at me please )

                I dont beleive speed in rendering has to be that major an issue, if you allow for it from the start of a job what difference does it make.

                Sticking up for Maxwell or am i just frustrated with waiting



                • #23
                  I got my update of Maxwell yesterday, i'd rather not use it, and wait for Vray 1.5, (brilliant renderer and mega fast speeds) but how long do you wait when other rendering apps are offering you the goodies that you're drooling over expectantly and still waiting for in Vray.
                  The Goodies ? Like the Sun System ? The sun system alone doesnt produce pretty's nice yep...but not crucial...and while maxwell is shoving out updates that causes more trouble then scenes rendering in one RC that have to be redone in thenext etc...that's nothing i would even think a splitsecond about for production use...and for us speed is always critical and a BIG's the client that dictates when he wants something's not me that can "allow for long rendertimes from the start" It's the clients deadline. Plus we're mainly doing animation. And tho we get most layers pretty far down in rendertimes we still get issues from time to time with a 60 puter farm hehehe so speed IS that major an issue....for me at least.[/b]


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by instinct
                    I got my update of Maxwell yesterday, i'd rather not use it, and wait for Vray 1.5, (brilliant renderer and mega fast speeds) but how long do you wait when other rendering apps are offering you the goodies that you're drooling over expectantly and still waiting for in Vray.
                    The Goodies ? Like the Sun System ? The sun system alone doesnt produce pretty's nice yep...but not crucial...and while maxwell is shoving out updates that causes more trouble then scenes rendering in one RC that have to be redone in thenext etc...that's nothing i would even think a splitsecond about for production use...and for us speed is always critical and a BIG's the client that dictates when he wants something's not me that can "allow for long rendertimes from the start" It's the clients deadline. Plus we're mainly doing animation. And tho we get most layers pretty far down in rendertimes we still get issues from time to time with a 60 puter farm hehehe so speed IS that major an issue....for me at least.[/b]
                    I hear what you're saying,

                    The sun system is nice, you're right, and that alone does'nt produce pretty images, but what i'm saying is, would'nt you like to have the option to use a sun system i'm pretty sure if it were there you would use it and i'm fairly certain it would add add some extra element of quality to your images, otherwise what would be the point of developing an accurate sun system in the first place.

                    With regards to updates and compatibilty between scenes rendered in previous versions, while i agree with you about how badly the Maxwell updates during RC release effected scenes rendered in previous versions,
                    this should no longer be an issue now the final release version is out, famous last words there will still be updates and patches, as with any software, but the main issue of incompatibilty between versions should no longer arise, if it does they don't deserve to be in business.

                    The rendering speed thing, is a case of horses for courses, not every job is the same and not every client is the same, on a tight deadline you might not use maxwell, you might also not use Vray either.

                    I cant say what Maxwell is like for animation, i've never tried to produce one with Maxwell, I know animations have been done, very nice animations, but i could'nt say what frame times are like or anything like that about them. Have you tried to produce any animations using Maxwell

                    Maxwell is what it is, a tool, and all it does is aid us to what ever extent it is capable of, it has good and bad points and it has its uses and limitations, but Vray, Brazil, Mental Ray and all other rendering packages are only tools and they too have their good and bad points and their own uses and limitations.

                    I am a huge fan of Vray and use it all the time in my work, but that does'nt mean i should limit myself, if somethings new comes along i'll try it, and if it fits in with my workflow and needs i'll continue using it. What i'm trying to say is that because it's no good for one person, does'nt mean that it's no good for another person.

                    Maxwell gets a lot of stick, and some of it well justified, I've also given Maxwell a lot of stick in the past, but i've tried it and i can see its potential, that's why its been stuck on my hard drive for so long, but It's still just another tool, like Vray.

                    A lot of people will be influenced by what they read on forums, some people will hate Maxwell just because it's Maxwell, some will hate it cos they see it as a threat, to their favourite renderer or their career or what ever reason they can think of, some will hate it because the friends hate it, people should try it and make their own minds up.

                    now my fingers are killing me after typing all that so i'm off to watch the snooker.



                    • #25
                      Actually you can give a chimp a paint brush, but dont expect art in return. I love VRay for its various qualities and will continue to do so, however having VRay does not mean your work turns out to be super. I am certain that all software produced have strong and weak points, but in the hands of a competent artists software deemed to be crappy can be used to create brilliant works of art. Saying that ours (VRay) is great and other packages are not that good, so we must sit and wait is a very weak statement. How many times have we looked and seen work done on what we would consider to be slow and not so powerful machines, using "cruddy" packages and thought WOW thats good?

                      Its been awhile now, lets see some movement guys. heck release some of the internal builds, even the public build has issues. Its a program, it will always have issues dues to the shear number of variables it has to contend with.

                      Friends, romans, countrymen......... Man am foaming at the mouth where the heck did that come from

                      I think its time to leave the underverse and go home to my family.



                      • #26
                        It has been a year since any releases it is time!
                        Eric Boer


                        • #27
                          I am content to wait until its ready. Its no good to any of us if its broken....oh yeah and let us not forget that they are good enough to be giving it to us for free!
                          -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                          • #28
                            So we are waiting because when we finally get it, it wont be broken? does that mean that there will be no problems? no need for new builds to fix any bugs because it will be bug free? I have confidence in Vlado and his teams programming skills, and am sure that in its current state what ever version that maybe, is stable.


                            • #29
                              or are we waiting for the sketchup/maya/etc to get finished?
                              Eric Boer


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by RErender
                                or are we waiting for the sketchup/maya/etc to get finished?
                                Certainly not; if it were for me, the build would have been released ages ago. As it is, things seem to be very close to a release now.

                                Best regards,
                                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

