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LWF vs contrast

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  • LWF vs contrast

    how do you achieve contrast with LWF?
    everything tends to brighten up when using LWF including the corner of corners especially when working a night scene.

    if you find a bug...kill it.

  • #2
    i must be slacking on my forum-reading, but whats a LWF stand for? :P
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • #3
      LWF=linear work flow
      if you find a bug...kill it.


      • #4
        When using LWF you will want to use lower values for your lights. Also, make sure your renders are not getting gamma corrected twice.

        If you are using an LCD monitor, you should check out what Vlado has to say about them in his thread in Tips and Tricks.
        Surreal Structures


        • #5
          dude... where have you been
          Always strikes me when people dont know what LWF means... especially given all the threads that are floating about relating to it.
          You should read up on it man, its quite interesting.. although prepare to spend alot of time learning it.

          Basically what Frances said. You can just take an existing scene. And setup LWF and have it render nicely. You need to make adjustments.
          Although its alot easier when your starting from scratch.

          See my post here.. I certainly dont have a lack of contrast

          I originally had similar problems as you, just a matter of tweaking. You can always try putting a colorcorrect map on all your bitmaps. That may help alot. But for me, it maybe the image TOO dark.


          • #6
            Hi Daforce

            I brought this question up after i saw your thread
            the contrast you had in your animation is the kind of contrast i wanna achieve in my images. I tried doin it but everything brightens up including the part where light doesnt reach. espcially when using HDRI.
            if you find a bug...kill it.


            • #7
              it does sound like your double correcting the image, could you post your settings? if your using gamma correct exposure (1/.4545) the max frame buffer will be double corected, I'd have a look at this.


              • #8
                Hey Ryan

                As R2J2 said it sounds like your double correcting your image.
                Please post some info on how you setup your LWF.
                And as he also said if your using the "1.0/0.45454 style" like I used you need to save it via the Vray Frame Buffer or via the max FB but choose to override gamma and set it to 1.0.
                That will give you the same result as rendering thru the VrayFB.

                If you would like to post part of a scene your having trouble with, I can have a look at it for you.

                Also if you have a vray version that has the VrayPhysicalCamera, try using that. If found that worked quite well with LWF.


                • #9

                  Setup is just Gamma correct 1/.454, nothing else. plus HDRI. max gamma is off.

                  im using Vray 1.47.03.

                  ill post an image when later.

                  thank you all guys
                  if you find a bug...kill it.


                  • #10
                    hmm you need to have max gamma on and all the approriate tick boxes tick. So ti semi prepares the bitmaps when you load them in.


                    • #11
                      Max gamma on + gamma correction 1/.454?? isnt that double gamme correction?
                      if you find a bug...kill it.


                      • #12
                        No, thats the whole point. Without max gamma on you dont get a proper representation in the material editor!!

                        As long as you save thru VFB it doesnt get double corrected.
                        Actually you can save via the max FB but choose to override gamma and set it to 1.0 (in the max FB)

                        I mentioned all this in a post earlier in this thread.


                        • #13
                          1/.454 Gamma correction works with Vray 1.4703 ?


                          • #14

