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vray with max 7 on a dual opteron 265

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  • vray with max 7 on a dual opteron 265

    We are using vray on max7 with a dual opteron 265. Our problem is that it stops rendering our scene (actually it doesn't even start). The cpu usge goes to 0% and the mem usage doesn't increase.

    Does anyone know what could be the problem?

    I will try some more tests with scenes with less objects, but the singlecore singlecpu machines render the scene fine.

    here is a screenshot of the pc "rendering"

  • #2
    what version of windows are you using? whats the object its hanging on?

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      sorry, I forgot to mention that we're using xp64

      and the object it's hanging on is knf-kir-lm. hmm, checking it out... it's a nurbs model of a kitchen knife. I remember reading a post from someone saying that xp64 is woking nice on the dualcores, but a few old nurbs surfaces tend to crash the renderer. I'll see if it helps if I convert the nurbs to mesh.


      • #4

        our scene renders fine now!

        they are no good indeed for the dual opterons with XP64.

        does anyone know if the problem is the opteron, the dual processor or the xp64?

        all our other pc's (single cpu's intel and AMD) work fine with these nurbs objects.


        • #5
          Its the nurbs + XP64. Do all your single proc machines have XP64 installed?
          Dan Brew

