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Vray - Glossary of Terms

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  • Vray - Glossary of Terms

    I hope I'm not alone in this.....

    Sometimes when I'm reading through these threads to try and find a solution to a particular problem I find that I just end up with new problems. Most of this arises because a lot of the terminology associated with VRAY (and rendering in gereral) is like a completely different language to the one I speak. I've picked up so much and I guess that since I've been a member of the board I've learned most things but sometimes it's like wading through mud. I see people using words, part words, abreviations, acronyms or whatever to describe something and you find yourself going around in circles just to find out what's being said.


    Is there a glossary of terms available that gives a brief explanation to every term used in rendering?

    Or if possible, could we perhaps compile one that's specific to VRAY?


    Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?