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Vray Material Repository: Gathering of ideas

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  • Just an idea. Just laying out all the possible scenarios I could think of.

    I understand what you're saying, and it needs to be taken into account. But the implication is that the MXM site is some panacea. From what I have heard, it's quite the opposite. I've heard from several people that many materials they have downloaded from MXM have missing maps. Now *that* would irritate me. Or, if a material required plugins. Or whatever.
    J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


    • Originally posted by CCS
      I've heard from several people that many materials they have downloaded from MXM have missing maps...
      Everyone makes mistakes. Even generous people. It's FREE stuff. If the person intended to share the bitmaps, then it is easily remedied. If they didn't intend to share bitmaps, then it's something free that didn't work out for you.

      I wouldn't have a problem with materials being screened to make sure they include referenced bitmaps.
      Surreal Structures


      • At the moment im torn between fully open and something like what instinct mentioned earlier.

        Fully open is alot easier to implement, but offers immediate access to anyone.. legit or not.
        The more secured option, provides just that.. more security but also requires more steps to setup and to gain access. And the other problem is that people can and will still leak the maps.

        So the end result may very well be the same thing. The other upside of the secured option is that bandwidth costs will be down GREATLY, if its only legit vray users that are allowed access compared to ALOT of outsiders and warez monkeys which would easily out number the legit vray users like a million time.. .. which would sky rocket the bandwidth usages for the site.
        That has to be taken into consideration as well.


        • Originally posted by DaForce
          So the end result may very well be the same thing. The other upside of the secured option is that bandwidth costs will be down GREATLY, if its only legit vray users that are allowed access compared to ALOT of outsiders and warez monkeys which would easily out number the legit vray users like a million time.. .. which would sky rocket the bandwidth usages for the site.
          That has to be taken into consideration as well.
          place discrete google ads on the site...they are easily blocked, not too annoying, and they work.
          there is nothing like bad traffic.
          unless there are some crazy hi-bandwith offerings, google ads will always cover the bandwith costs, and usually a lot more, because traffic costs next to nothing in these days.
          for really large downloads, bit torrent can be used to reduce traffic.
          Marc Lorenz
          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


          • true true.

            I actually have some webspace at the moment. with 70gb a month transfer which I am not using. Which Ideally we wouldnt even scratch that.


            • is that a hand up daforce?
              Chris Jackson


              • Wow...what a resource this will be when this is up and running
                If the consensus is that the site should be restricted to registered vray users(i'm leaning towards restricted), I'm curious why we dont ask for chaosgroup's assistance in making that happen. From a business standpoint I see only good things coming from such a resource. If an artist is using better materials then the quality of his/her renderings will improve accordingly. Quality renderings produce "buzz" for whatever software was used to create them.
                Also it would be a good selling point for the software to say that when you become a registered vray user (purchase vray) you will get access to all of these high quality vray mats.
                How hard would it be to get cooperation from chaosgroup to link our accounts for this board to the materials site (same user/pass) I'm sure its done with a database of some it possible for that database to be shared?
                just curious...


                • Rather than linking or sharing.... do the Chaos boys want to host it? I'm sure they'd get all the help they need in moderating, etc.
                  J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                  • Yep, i dont mind offering my webspace.

                    I guess the chaos guys will have more time now that 1.5 is almost fully out.
                    I just dont want to get into a situation where there are lots of people requesting access to the materials and it takes 2-3 days to get a response.

                    Having them hosting it would be a great idea. It can be another marketing point for vray I guess. Nothing like offering your rendering software with HUNDREDS of high quality materials as well
                    A great way to get newbies started


                    • A great way to get newbies started
                      I like to see them suffer.

                      (sorry in a bad mood today )
                      LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                      HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                      Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                      • Networking issues still getting ya down?


                        • still chugging along - slowly...
                          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                          • Just saw this over at the news side of cgarchitect, looks like the maxwell guys sure know how to "hook and reel" users into maxwell, the idea and site looks very what about ours???

                            We for sure have a bigger user base and for sure have way more materials to share...



                            • I guess you didnt read the first post in this thread or see the link in that post



                              • sigpic
                                J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


