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  • W.T.F?

    Ok this afternoon while working on a project max stops working and crashes on start. I removed the ini file and it worked again. I then dl sp3 and had to redo a few preferences and went back onto the same file. When I pushed render the file that usually takes about 4 hours to render rendered in under 80 minutes. Watching the lc and buckets move was crazy fast. I then took those gi files (irr map and light cache) and I am using those to render out a file 2x the source size (I started at 2600 now I am rendering 5200). It has been rendering to vrimage file for over 3 hours and it is a bit more than half way there. The rendering I am doing now is just a test not the final but what happened? Is there any reason for the ini file to affect rendering times? The amount of time I am looking at now seems more like what I had been used to but I have never seen the buckets fly like that. I did change the display driver settings in preferences but I wouldn't imagine that would change any render times.


  • #2
    Hmmm unless some how max was only using half your cpu/cores? Maybe there something naf in the ini file.

    Bloody weird tho.


    • #3
      odd, it does sound like something in your max preferences was holding you back
      Chris Jackson


      • #4
        Not having Multi-threading on could cause that.

        Dan Brew


        • #5
          I know I didn't turn Bitmap pager back on maybe that was the issue?

          Now I am having a REALLY long lag time with max. I can tumble well enough but if I switch programs (say from firefox to max) it takes like a 30 seconds. and opening a menu takes forever. I have an Nvidia fx 3000 I looked at the old ini file and it said I was using the Direct x 8.1 (I am assuming this is a display issue) I tried that I tried direct x 9 I tried open gl everything is sooo slow. What should I do to trouble shoot this?

          Edit - What would be the best setting for the fx 3000?


          • #6
            What would be the best setting for the fx 3000?
            You should use Maxtream drivers. They are optimized for 3ds max and nvidia quadro boards.


            cheers mate!
            Peter Brauner
            VFX Artist


            • #7
              Thanks render monkey. I had been using those but now I cannot use them with sp3.


              • #8
                Infact I bet that its my Maxtreme drivers that have caused the problem to begin with. I just reinstalled them installed the new Nvidia drivers and I still cannot get max to run with Maxtreme. I get a crash right as max loads (after spalsh screen.)

