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Sunlight system and Physical camera

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  • Sunlight system and Physical camera

    Hello everybody,

    I ve been wondering whether the max default sunsystem could work with vray sun somehow? I mean to create a sunsystem with max and then simply switch to use the parameters such as position and time with vray sun? Has anybody tried it?

    Can i make a vray camera from perspective view like with standard max camera by pressing ctrl + C? right now im doing this by making max cam and then copying all the numbers to the vray you think a script might help here?

    I ve made a picture with my camera and noted down all the settings (fstop, iso, exposure) which i later applied to the vray physical cam....i put the take photo in the background and rendered an object in front... unfortunately did not come up with a satysfying result, as the image was underexposed...
    camera settings were:
    Color resolution: sRGB
    Focal length: 8mm
    F-number: F/5,6
    Exposure length: 1/800
    ISO: 80
    The image is here if you want to try it

    Vray is an excellent program i am very happy about the progress it has made and about the results and believe me i am not trying to find any weak points, i am just curious about those new if anyone has any suggestions, workarounds or ideas about these 3 point it would be grat and i am sure it would help a lot of other users as well

    Thanks for any submition to this topic

    Best regards

    teabag studios

  • #2
    1. You can link the Vraysun position to the Max sun, just make sure you turn off the Max sunlight. So, create a daylight system, then create a Vraysun. Align the Vraysun to the daylight system sun using the <Tools> - <Align> function. Then align the lookat point of the sun to the compass using the same tool. Link the Vraysun to the daylight system as a child, then link the Vraysun lookat point to the compass. Now when you adjust the location and time of day the Vraysun will follow the daylight system. Just make sure to turn of the lights and skylight of the daylight system.

    2. I don't think this is implemented yet, however a workaround is to hit ctrl-c and make a camera, then create a VrayPhysicalCamera somewhere in the scene, select it, and use the Align tool to match the cameras and lookat points up.

    3. It's probably a question of the colormapping you're using. Here's what I came up with (using a linear workflow, with colormapping set on Gamma Correction, Mult = 1, Inverse Gamma = .454, Gamma = 1). The camera settings are exactly what you have listed (except focal length since I don't know what the backplane of your camera is). The materials are all sampled from the buildings in the back of the image - the teapot from the center building, hippo from the leftmost building, torus knot from the rightmost building. Looks pretty close to me, without accounting for the clouds in the sky. It's just a Vraysky and vraysun I tried to quickly align to your image, plus a vrayplane matte as the ground and a box matte as the buildings.


    • #3
      LOL nice.
      LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
      HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
      Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


      • #4
        Re: Sunlight system and Physical camera

        Originally posted by teabag
        Hello everybody,

        I ve been wondering whether the max default sunsystem could work with vray sun somehow? I mean to create a sunsystem with max and then simply switch to use the parameters such as position and time with vray sun? Has anybody tried it?
        This can work if you manually align/link the V-Ray sun to the sun in the daylight system. Maybe one can write a script to do this automatically too.

        Can i make a vray camera from perspective view like with standard max camera by pressing ctrl + C? right now im doing this by making max cam and then copying all the numbers to the vray you think a script might help here?
        This worked fine the last time I tried it; the only thing that will not transfer over is the FOV as there is no direct way to set this for the V-Ray camera (more than one parameters affect FOV, so setting it is not a simple task).

        I ve made a picture with my camera and noted down all the settings (fstop, iso, exposure) which i later applied to the vray physical cam....i put the take photo in the background and rendered an object in front... unfortunately did not come up with a satysfying result, as the image was underexposed...
        camera settings were:
        Color resolution: sRGB
        Focal length: 8mm
        F-number: F/5,6
        Exposure length: 1/800
        ISO: 80
        Did you also use Gamma correction (since you used sRGB color space for the photo, which is basically a 2.2 gamma correction)?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          thanks for the tips....the reason might have been that i tried to use reinhard mapping. What would be the right setup to use this picture with reinhard mapping?
          teabag studios

