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Tutorial Needed for VRay Dome Light + HDRI
OK, here is my file:
Please let me know if anyone has any trouble downloading it.
Thanks for the help
marcus, can you archive your test scene and send it to me?
hey marcus i have found the problem with your scene.
-Turn of the exposure control in your max environment
PM me with your email and I will send you the fixed file.
Originally posted by jacksc02hey marcus i have found the problem with your scene.
-Turn of the exposure control in your max environment
PM me with your email and I will send you the fixed file.
Are there any other settings that you adjusted. Are there any other suggestions? Additionally, could this be an issue unique to Max 6/VIZ 2005? Could someone post their results for the same hdri?
Thanks Again
Originally posted by DaForceI tried to download your file but it doesnt work.
Email it to me if you can or upload it somewhere better.
Have your tried with a different HDRI? like the kitchen one that I suggested.
Just to let you know, there is a lot of advertising gobbly goop on this site. Using Internet Explorer, do a search on the term "Download for free with FileFactory Basic" or any part thereof. After clicking on this link, on the following page do a search on the term "Click here to begin your download". These steps should take you directly to the link and not to any annoying advertisements or racy photos (not that this is a bad thing) and you should be able to download the file.
I have not had the opportunity to try the kitchen scene. I will tomorrow. I actually began this scene using an entirely different hdri from what I am using now. Since I was encountering problems, I switched to the Paul Debevec hdri to see if I could achieve a similar result to what was previously rendered by vlado in his time lapse animation.
Thanks for the help,
Ok, basically you just have the multiplyer of the HDRI itself too low and the camera setup wrong.
But if you increase it your render looks better the background gets washed out.
FIrst of all turn off max's exposure control.
Make another copy of the HDRI in the material editor (ME). Name them skyprobe12-10_background & skyprobe12-10_skylight (or whatever) assign the skylight one to the dome light and the background one to the max background environment slot (Render menu -> environment).
Also put the "Map type" for each HDRI to angular map. Its more appropriate for that HDRI
Try this in the ME. Skylight HDRI Multiplyer @ 1.0 Background HDRI Multiplyer @ 0.5
Roughly use the following for the Vray camera
F-number @ 8.0
shutter speed @ 30
Film speed @ 250
Should be abit better now
[edited] for redundant fix up method.
Guyz it's all about (IMHO) the HDRi you chose. As I created the same simple scene, but with one of the Dosch SKY Probes, with bright spot of Sun. And I got those damn shadows. Well not absolutely sharp, mostly like area, but it exists, at leastI just can't seem to trust myself
So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
CG Artist