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renderable splines question

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  • renderable splines question

    anyone else have this problem?:

    i often use renderable splines with a small diameter to represent joint lines on walls and floors. i have been finding that vray doesn't render these very well - they end up looking very jagged or partly invisible even at 1600x1200. is there any setting that will make these render more smoothly at a preview resolution?
    they usually turn out OK at final print resolution, but for quick client previews it would be nice to get a decent result without having to turn up the overall render size & quality.
    is there perhaps a specific anti-aliasing filter that works better for this kind of thing?

  • #2
    i've had the "partly invisible" problem.. anyone?


    • #3
      It all comes down to the size of the line compared to the overall render resolution. You might need to lower your AA's threshold and increase its min and max rates to pick up the lines properly.
      Also your GI solution could just be ignoring it for the most part. Depending on what method you use.

      Try switching to QMC/QMC or QMC/LC and do a region render of a portion which contains the problem lines and see if its any better.. if not then up your AA settings


      • #4
        think i figured it out...i'm working with cm as my system unit scale. i'm using adaptive subdivision as my image sampler and if i set the threshold to 0.001 the splines show up. i typically use a min / max rate of 0 / 2, and if i set the max rate to 3 they render pretty smoothly at 800x600. smooth enough for previewing in any case.


        • #5

          Also QMC AA would help bring out the details better and might very well be quicker.
          Worth a shot anyway.


          • #6
            turning random off as well with can help prevent the 'hit-or-miss' thin lines

